CHAPTER NINE, girl meets the real world (part two)

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The next morning, Mirabel woke up to the sound of her alarm going off, signaling it was time to start her day. She groaned, rolling over and burying her face in her pillow. She didn't want to get up yet. It was way too early for her liking. But she knew she had to get up, or else she would be late for school. With a heavy sigh, she sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She turned off her alarm as her phone buzzed with a notification. Her heart fluttered as she saw a good morning text from Lucas, followed by a heart.

 Her heart fluttered as she saw a good morning text from Lucas, followed by a heart

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hombre de mis sueños🧡
Good morning, baby. Can I pick you up for school today? ❤️

Mirabel couldn't help but smile like a lovesick idiot as she read his text, her heart racing in her chest.

mi sol💖
Morning, hombre de mis sueños 😉. Of course, you can pick me up,
let me know when you're here. Can't wait to see you ❤️

She typed out a reply, a blush tinting her cheeks. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have such an amazing boyfriend. She quickly got ready for the day, eager to see him. Beatrix glances at her daughter with amusement as she walked down the stairs. She could see Mirabel was clearly was eager this morning which made her curious. 

"You're in a good mood."

Mirabel jumps, startled by her mother's voice. She turns to face her with a sheepish grin, trying to contain her excitement. "Oh, um, yeah. I guess I am," She admits, her cheeks turning pink. "I'm just...happy, I guess."

Beatrix raises an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Happy, huh? Is there a reason for that?"

Mirabel fidgets nervously under her mother's gaze, feeling a little embarrassed. She wasn't used to being the center of attention, especially not when it came to her love life. She had never really had a boyfriend before, so she didn't know what to say.

"Uh, no," She lies, averting her eyes from her mother's. "No reason." She said shyly as she walked further into the kitchen. She opened the fridge to look for breakfast.

"Mhm, sure." Beatrix chuckles softly, seeing right through her daughter's lie. "So, does this reason have anything to do with a certain handsome cowboy who happens to be your best friend, hmm?"

Mirabel blushes even harder at the mention of Lucas, her heart fluttering in her chest. How could her mother possibly know that? Was she really that obvious? "I-I don't know what you're talking about." She stammers, trying to sound nonchalant. But she could tell by the look on her mother's face that she wasn't fooling anyone. "You know we're best friends." She mumbled, closing the fridge and setting the milk on the kitchen island. 

"Oh, I know you two are best friends," Beatrix says with a knowing smile, leaning against the kitchen counter and crossing her arms. "But sometimes, best friends make the best partners, don't they?"

Mirabel's cheeks turn even redder, and she can't help but smile shyly at her mother's words. "I-I don't know, mom," She stammers, feeling flustered under her mother's gaze. "I mean, Lucas and I...We're just...We're really close."

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