CHAPTER TWO, master of tombstone

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"Y'all be sure to stop by our air conditioned refreshment tent." An announcer spoke through the speakers while Lucas and Mirabel made their way back over to where the others were at. They catch up to Riley and Maya, who had started to walk into the air conditioned refreshment tent. "Oh, hi, hey. Uh, yeah, I just saw Tombstone the Bull. And, uh, why do you hate me?" Lucas questioned, staring at the two girls with disbelief.

"Come on, a bull is just a man cow." Riley shook her head.

Maya laughs, pointing at Lucas while amusement shown in her eyes. "You're scared of a man cow. A-moo." Mirabel chuckled lightly, but it didn't reach her eyes. She was just as worried as Lucas was.

"You two have never actually seen a bull, have you?" Lucas inquired.

"No, what we'd like to see are some cold drinks inside an air conditioned refreshment tent." Riley replies with a smile.

"Oh, lookee here!" Maya pretended to sound shock as she pointed at the tent near them while Riley faked a gasp. The two best friends then walked into the tent.

Lucas shrugs. "I just think you may react differently when you actually see a man cow." He mumbled, following the two girls. Mirabel just sighs, shaking her head with a slight smile as she followed them. The four of them were standing in the refreshment tent that had a few people here and there. Some were sat at the tables while others stood off to the side and talked. There were tv's in the tent as well so if people wanted to stay in the air conditioned refreshment tent then people would still be able to watch the rodeo.

"Oh, boy. It's hotter out there than my mamma's barbecue sauce." An announcer voiced through speakers.

"Hey, Zay." Riley greets the dark-skinned boy, who was watching the contestant who was riding the bull now. "What are you watching?"

"Not anything you want to see." Zay shakes his head, giving Mirabel a small playful glare when she reached over to steal some peanuts from the bag he had in his hand. "Hey, get your own, woman."

"Why would I get my own when you have some?" Mirabel grinned, tossing a few peanuts in her mouth. Zay just shook his head and rolled his eyes playfully.

"Hey there, Rodeo Fans. Now, for your viewing pleasure, some of the last year's greatest hits. These, here, are what we call 'Love Taps'." The announcer explains. On TV was clips of other contestants riding bulls and getting thrown off them, each one of them was worse than the last.

Maya turns to Lucas. "I don't want you going anywhere near that bull."

Lucas scoffs. "Yeah, that makes two of us."

"I want you to take off that stupid outfit and I want to get out of here." Maya admitted. Mirabel raised her eyebrows in surprise, not expecting her to say that. She had a feeling it was because she was worried about Lucas. After all, she was too, but she knew there was nothing they could do about it. Lucas had to do this, he couldn't back out now.

"Maya." Lucas started, his eyes widening slightly with surprise.

"I saw the bull." Maya continues. "I don't think the bull knows this is supposed to be fun."

"Okay, Maya, let's not shake Lucas' confidence." Riley tells her before glancing at Lucas hopefully. "You can do this, right? You can just ride a bull for four seconds and win the Master of Tombstone award?"

"Lucas is gonna need a tombstone." Maya cut in, concern and worry clear in her eyes. "There isn't gonna be anymore Lucas. Mirabel, you're actually going to let him do this?" She asked with surprise, glancing at the Mexican girl. Maya had thought Mirabel would be able to stop Lucas from doing this since they were childhood best friends, but apparently she was wrong.

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