CHAPTER ELEVEN, girl meets bear

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Lucas decided to stay for breakfast that morning. Mirabel's mother welcomed him with open arms and made sure he had plenty to eat. She also took a moment to pull him aside and tell him how much she appreciated his patience and understanding when it came to Mirabel. It meant the world to her, and she was confident that the two of them would have a wonderful future together.

"Mom!" Mirabel whines after noticing her mother's conversation with Lucas. "Don't embarrass me!" Her face was red with embarrassment, but there was a hint of amusement in her eyes as she watched her mother interact with Lucas. She couldn't help but feel grateful for her mother's support and encouragement, even if it did sometimes come in the form of embarrassing moments like this one.

Beatrix just laughs, patting Mirabel on the shoulder affectionately. "Oh, don't be silly, mija. I'm just speaking the truth." She winked at Lucas before turning back to the stove to finish cooking breakfast.

Mirabel rolls her eyes playfully, but there's a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She couldn't deny the warmth that spread through her chest at her mother's words. It was comforting to know that she had her family's support in her relationship with Lucas. Lucas walks back over to her and sat by her. He wraps his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close and kissing the side of her head. "Your mom's pretty cool, you know that?" He said softly, grinning at her.

Mirabel scoffs, rolling her eyes again. "You've never had to live with her." She mumbled, her face still red with embarrassment. But she couldn't deny the fact that she was secretly pleased that her mother and Lucas got along so well. It was nice to know that he was accepted by her family, and it only made her love him even more. She already knew he was since he had been her bets friend her whole life, but it was different now that they were dating so she was happy to know that her parents approved of their relationship.

"Yeah, but she's pretty awesome." Lucas chuckles, nuzzling the side of her head. "She's really supportive of us, and that's all I could ask for. Mirabel smiles, leaning into Lucas' embrace. "Yeah, she is. And I'm glad you think so too." She says softly, her heart swelling with love for both Lucas and her mother. "I'm just grateful to have you in my life, Luke. You mean everything to me."

Lucas squeezes her shoulders gently, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "And you mean everything to me, Bel. I love you more than anything in this world, and I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

She smiles softly, her heart fluttering as she leans her head on his shoulder. "I love you too, Luke. Thank you for being the best boyfriend ever."

"Thank you for being the best girlfriend ever." Lucas replied, his voice filled with affection.

Beatrix smiled to herself as she finished cooking breakfast, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment wash over her. She couldn't help but feel proud of the bond that Mirabel and Lucas shared, and she knew that they were destined for great things together. They had a love that was rare and precious, and she was certain that it would only grow stronger and deeper over time. And she couldn't wait to see where their journey would take them next.


During the afternoon, Mirabel had gotten a text from Maya saying that there was tacos from Paco's Taco's at Riley's place, she was eager to get over there. She and Lucas went there together since Maya had texted the groupchat and they had agreed to meet up there. As they got there, they met up with Zay and Farkle.

"You guys here for Paco's Tacos?" Mirabel beamed, her heart fluttering as Lucas' thumb continued to rub over her knuckles. They had held hands on the way to the apartment building after leaving his truck. Now that they didn't have to hide their relationship, it made her ecstatic and her stomach flip. She felt like they were in their own little bubble.

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