CHAPTER TEN, insecurities and reassurance

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Mirabel hadn't always been anxious. Once upon a time, she'd been the confident, bubbly, outgoing child, ready to take on the world. But all of that had changed when her family had moved from their hometown in Texas to New York City. Suddenly, she was the new kid, trying to fit in and make friends in a school where everyone already had their own cliques. She'd been shy and reserved at first, not sure how to handle the new environment. Having Lucas and his friends there helped a lot. And joining the band and becoming great friends with the other students in the band also helped her gain confidence and come out of her shell. But there were still moments when she felt like the anxious, insecure girl she used to be, especially when faced with new challenges or situations outside of her comfort zone.

One such challenge was her relationship with Lucas. While she'd been dreaming about it since she'd first met him, the reality of it was still a bit intimidating. After all, he was her best friend, and she didn't want to mess anything up by taking things too fast or not giving their relationship the time and attention it deserved. She also felt the pressure of being Lucas' first girlfriend. She didn't want to disappoint him, or make him regret choosing her. Plus she never been in a relationship before. She doesn't know what she's doing, and is afraid that she might mess something up.

These thoughts were swirling through her head as she sat next to Lucas on his couch, watching a movie together. They'd been dating for a few weeks now, and everything was going great. So why did she still feel so anxious? She was supposed to be enjoying this, not worrying about every little thing. But her mind was relentless, filling her head with doubts and insecurities. She tried to push them aside, focusing on the movie and the warmth of Lucas' hand in hers. But the anxiety lingered, refusing to be ignored. She chewed on her lower lip nervously, mindlessly twirling a piece of hair between her fingers with her free hand, a habit she had recently gained with the anxiety returning much worse than before. She hated herself for feeling this way, knowing that Lucas deserved her full attention and affection. But she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by her own thoughts and fears.

Lucas could sense Mirabel's unease beside him, despite the movie playing in front of them. He gently squeezes her hand, turning his head to look at her with concern in his eyes. "Hey, mi sol, is everything okay?" He asked softly, his voice filled with warmth and reassurance.

Mirabel forces a smile, trying to push down her anxious thoughts. "Yeah, everything's fine." She replied, though her voice wavered slightly as she avoided eye contact. She continued twirling her hair nervously, unable to shake the feeling of dread that was gnawing at her insides.

Lucas furrows his brows, not entirely convinced by Mirabel's response. He scoots closer to her on the couch, his arm wrapping around her shoulders in a comforting gesture. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" He said gently, his eyes searching hers for any sign of what might be bothering her. "I'm here for you, no matter what."

Mirabel let out a shaky breath, feeling a lump form in her throat as she struggled to find the words to express what she was feeling. She wanted to tell Lucas everything, to pour out her fears and anxieties and hope that he could somehow make them go away. But she was afraid of burdening him, of making him worry about her when he had his own things to deal with. And what if he didn't understand? What if he thought she was being silly for feeling this way? The thought made her chest tighten with fear, and she felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes. She blinked them away, not wanting to cry in front of him.

"I know that, sweetheart, I just..." She starts, her voice trembling as she tried to compose herself. "I'm worried that I'm not good enough for you. I know that's silly, but...I can't shake this feeling that I'm going to mess things up somehow. And I don't want to disappoint you, or make you regret being with me." She admits, her voice barely above a whisper as she finally met his gaze, her eyes filled with vulnerability and insecurity. Her gaze went to the clock on the wall in the living room, noticing it was getting late. That was another excuse to leave. "I should probably get home, it's getting late." She pulled away and stood up, turning away from him as she blinked her eyes rapidly to make the tears go away.

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