CHAPTER THREE, no place like home

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Later that night, Lucas and the others had invited Mirabel to go with them to a restaurant in town. Mirabel had smiled wide because it was her favorite place to go. She now sat at Chubby's Famous Barbecue Pit. It was a restaurant that had good food and good music. And it was the perfect place for dancing and having fun. She sat at a table with Lucas, Zay, and their friends and they were watching Farkle with surprise as he chowed down on ribs. She had been informed that Farkle didn't like this kind of stuff and wasn't his thing, but it didn't seem like it now.

"While I understand barbecue is not your thing, Farkle, you do seem to have found a new appreciation for our hometown cuisine." Zay commented with surprise.

Farkle had a pile of ribs in front of him, barbecue all over his face. "More." He grinned while Zay looked at him with amusement.

Mirabel raises her eyebrows, staring at Farkle with amusement. Maya and Riley looks surprised as well, but they both had a bit of amusement in their eyes. "Easy, cowboy. You need to calm down." Lucas commented, looking a bit amused with Farkle.

"Oh, I have to calm down? They make a big deal out of you riding a bull for four seconds." Farkle remarks, rolling his eyes. He then glances at the pile of rib bones in front of him with a grin. "Well, I ate him."

Mirabel giggles a bit, smiling at him with amusement. "I'm impressed, Farkle. I thought you didn't like stuff like this." She commented.

"I never had barbecue like this before. This is amazing." Farkle admitted.


Maya and Riley had gone to get refill of their drinks after they were all done eating, but Mirabel stayed at the table with the boys. They were just talking and laughing about random things. Mirabel was getting to know Farkle more as well and she enjoyed getting to know him.

Suddenly, Riley came over to them, smiling at Lucas. "Hey, Huckleberry...Are we dancing or what?"

"Oh, we can do that? Is that part of the new rules?" Lucas questioned, glancing at her with raised eyebrows.

"This kind of dancing?" Riley looks at the people line dancing and then back at Lucas with a smile. "Sure."

Lucas nodded and set his hat down before he got up and followed Riley to the dance floor. But he did glance back at Mirabel, silently asking her if she wanted to join them. But she shook her head and motioned for him to go, so he did. Mirabel watched the two of them with a small smile. She was confused at their sudden change of relationship. It was somehow different from when they got there.

"What's going on with Riley and Lucas?" Mirabel asked with confusion, glancing between Zay and Farkle.

"It's a mess is what going on." Zay replies with a sigh. "Riley had feelings for Lucas, they tried dating, but it didn't work out. She didn't want them to ever be uncomfortable with each other like they were when they were dating and now she thinks of him as a brother. I think, I don't know." Zay sighed.

Mirabel nods in understanding, a bit more confused than she was before. "And Lucas?" She glanced over at the dance floor to see him and Riley dancing together, a small smile on her lips.

"What about him?" Zay asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Does he like her?" Mirabel clarified.

"I think he does. But it's complicated." Zay responded and Mirabel nodded in understanding. She had to admit she was a bit upset when she heard Lucas likes Riley. She hated her feelings for him, they weren't even together and she was still getting hurt. But she ignored the feelings and just focused on enjoying herself. She didn't want her feelings to ruin the moment.

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