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𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫- the fold by wickerbird

𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫- the fold by wickerbird

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If you were worth it, they would tell you everything. If you were worth it, Hades wouldn't have put his hands on you. If you were worth it, Vincent would have stuck up for you. If you were worth it, they would've fallen in love with you naturally. If you were worth it, they'd love you for you, not for who you once were.

These are the thoughts that plague my haunted mind as I slowly make my way down the overwhelmingly dark hallways. The slides of my white night gown are clenched in my fists as I torture myself with these pitiful thoughts. This cotton white night dress was one of very few breezy dresses in my seemingly never ending closet, in any other circumstance I'd be delighted to wear those fancy gowns. But with having my life as I knew it thrown on its head, it's not necessarily a pleasant idea to be tied up in a corset. On top of that I was able to find a pair of tall dark brown leather boots too, probably supposed to be used for horse riding. There's certain things like this that leads me to believe that Vincent and Hades haven't stayed completely consumed in what was once a few hundred years ago. Because everything (despite its old style) is brand new.

Looking at the intricate carpet beneath my feet as I walk, I am startled when I suddenly run into someone. "Goodness! I am so sorry!" I exclaim in embarrassment whipping my head up.

The man in front of me looks at me with a slightly ajar mouth and a wild look in his eyes. "Eden-Iver," he mumbles with uncertainty.

I nod with an uncomfortable smile, "yes, that's me." How do so many people know me? I can't believe I ever wanted to be famous, now I loathe the idea of anyone besides Lady knowing me.

He has a head of thick deep brown hair paired with brown eyes that are so vibrant they teeter on being orange. Light scruff coats his face and he's dressed up in a suit of armor, a large sword tucked against his hip. He has a bit of age washed over him but just like Nicoletta, there's barely any to notice.

"Um," he quickly bows his head. "I am sorry, M'Lady. Forgive me for interrupting your walk, I was not looking where I was going."

I smile at him, "you do not have to bow to me. I'm sorry too, I as well was not watching where I was going. Don't apologize when it was as much my fault as yours."

Straightening up, he smiles back at me. Pride shining in his eyes, "you are very well mannered, M'Lady. I appreciate your kindness."

He thinks I'm kind. With what's been happening, I've been feeling even more like a horrible person than usual. But he thinks I'm kind. Am I?

"May I accompany you to your destination?" He asks hopefully.

When I'm about to reply to him, a unknown voice interrupts. "Return to your work, Mr. 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐭."

I whip around, spotting a tall pale red head stand there. A scar across his face and hard look in his eyes. His aura screams, 'I want you to think I'm dangerous but I really got this scar from mistakingly putting Cup of Noodles in the microwave without water and blowing it up.' I internally laugh at my own joke.

The knight is quick to give me one last bow and longingly glance, before scurrying off down the hall.

"I am Royal Beta Rocky," he comes and bows before me. "You can just call me Rocky, though. The kings asked me to make sure you make it safely to the village."

Any good mood I had gained from chatting with the knight is washed away with the mention of, 'the kings.'

"Oh." I furrow my brows at the vibrant red head. "Why?" I can't help but dumbly ask. Though, I wouldn't say it's that dumb of a question, they've done nothing but abuse my emotions with their own uncertainties.

Rocky lets out a humorless laugh, "because they care about your well being, I suppose." He looks at me with light distain in his eyes, judging me clearly. "I don't know why," he adds in a quite indifferent tone.

I scoff as I walk around him to the end of the hall where double doors stand, "those cats have a funny way of showing it."

He's quick to follow me, "cats? Hades is a wolf and Vincent a vampire." Seems as if slang hasn't made its way into the castle, I'll have to refrain from using it any further if I want to have clear communication with anyone here.

I stop in my tracks, turning and staring him in the eyes. "Never mind." I keep walking shaking my head.

"You know," he begins. "I thought you'd be nicer when you returned, loving as you once were maybe."

Before I can control myself, something sinister washes over me. I shove Beta Rocky onto the wall and a painting falls as I get in his face. "Shut the fuck up! I'm sick and tired of this! You do not know me. I am not who any of you think I am, and if that bothers you I suggest you return me to where you found me. But say stupid shit like that again and I'll show you how horrible I really am." I roughly push off of him and head down the rest of the way to the doors.

I turn around and look at where Beta Rocky is still against the wall looking at me with wide eyes, "feel free to tell those two that I'm done playing their games. The girl they loved is dead, I just so happen to look like her." With that, I make my leave. Slamming the heavy wood in my wake.

It's not long before I finally find my way out of this God forsaken palace. Deep down I so badly want to find the beauty in everything here, I want to skip around twirling in circles and falling in love.

But that just isn't what can happen. Everyone in this universe looks at me like I'm a disappointment, like they're expecting me to be something better than I am. I can't stand it and I can't stand myself.

I kick the damp rocks below my boots as I walk through the large village at the bottom of the hill of which the castle stands. I find interest in each table set up where people are selling various items, and they find interest in me; clearly startled by my outfit which does not match what they are clothed in.

I don't think I've ever felt so self conscious in my life.

"Iver." My head tilts up, knowing that voice. There leaning against the corner of a building is my best friend.

"Lady!" I exclaim, she smiles before leaping towards me and wraps her arms around me.

She squeezes me while saying, "my main bitch!"

Here's a filler chapter while I try to get used to writing again 🤭

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Here's a filler chapter while I try to get used to writing again 🤭


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