Twenty Four

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“Are you going to ignore me for the rest of our lives?” Lee asked coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He still looked good and I had to close my eyes as he walked to the other side of the room.

“If you talk to me again, you’ll have to find somewhere else to sleep,”

“Okay, I’m sorry,” he said reaching into one of his suitcases. He dropped his towel and took his time putting on a pair of shorts. His ass was still as toned and round as it was before he left. His dick twitched as if it knew I was watching and I could feel mine getting excited in my sweatpants.

“Are you going to stare all night?” he asked with a smirk on his handsome face. His dimples were visible and I could tell I was about to smile at him. I quickly looked away.

“Go fuck yourself,”

There was no way I was just going to sleep in the same room with Lee. I called Tony and luckily he was available.

“Where are you going?” Lee asked as I got dressed.

“None of your fucking business,” I took my jacket and shoes and left the room.

“This is a first,” Tony said letting me in.

“There’s always a first for everything,”

“Did you and your mom fight?”

“My mom and I don’t fight, we disagree and either compromise or agree to disagree,”

“Whatever, you and your mom are weird,”

“In what way?”

“Because kids and their parents ought to argue and fight and you are supposed to feel like she’s insufferable and she’s supposed to always tell you to move out of her house,”

“You have a very questionable relationship with your parents,”

“Me and millions…actually billions others. That’s why I don’t understand why you and your mom get along so well,”

“She’s just cool like that,”

“In that case, when am I going to meet her?”


“Forget I brought it up. What are you doing back here if it’s not your mom?”

“We have a guest that I don’t want to be around,”

“Are you spending the night?”

“Only if you don’t kick me out,”

“You know if it was up to me, you’d be moving in with me,”

“How would that work since we aren’t dating?”

“Just fuck-buddies that live under the same roof,”

“I have kids, Tony,”

“And I’m not opposed to being a stepdad,” My kids already had two step-dads, a third would be pushing it, I thought to myself.

“Am I sleeping on the couch or the bed?” I asked changing the topic.

“The bed of course,” I got up from the couch and went to the bedroom, stripped and got in the bed. He got in bed and turned off the lights. “This is the first night you’ll be spending at my place,” he said cuddling me. I tried moving away but he held on to me. “It’s the least you could do Joey,” he said snuggling my arm. He put his leg between mine and after a few minutes he was fast asleep.


“Where do you spend your nights?” mom asked

“At a friend’s place,”

“Am I ever going to meet this friend?”

“No and I thought I was a grown man that could live his life freely?”

“You are,”

“Then let me be. God, you are always in my business,”

“And you sound like a fucking teenager going through puberty. Even Liza knows better than to act like you and she’s the teenager. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Kim Lee Young is what the fuck is wrong with me. Ask him to leave or I will,”

“Will what? Ask him to leave or you’ll be the one to leave?”

“I don’t like being around him. His presence irks me,”

“Okay, let’s say I do kick him out, what about baby Lisa? What about JJ and Liza? You are going to let an innocent child sleep out in the cold just because you can’t stand the father? Have you thought about how devastated your kids would be if Lee Young left them again? You aren’t the only one with feelings around here,”

“But it’s not fair,”

“Life isn’t fair but you are a grown ass man, you should know that. And talk to the fucking man. It helps no one if you walk around here like a woman on her periods,”

That’s how I knew she was upset. Anytime my mom’s last words weren’t encouraging, I knew she wasn’t happy.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Every fucking thing is wrong and I’m just so tired,”

“What can I do to help?”

“I just need a few days by myself. I’ll be okay,” she said wiping away a stray tear. She went to her room and locked it from inside.



“Hi Uncle P,”

“Hello Joey, how are you?”

“Good. How are you and the family?”

“We’re all doing good. We thank god,” It was very unusual for my uncle to call me. In fact he’d never called me before. He always had one of his kids call me if he had something to tell me.

“That’s good to hear,”

“There’s something I want us to talk about, are you available this Saturday?”


“Okay, meet me at the bar near the bypass,”

“The one you like to go to?”

“Yes, that’s the one,”

“Okay,” the bar he went to was full of old men with potbellies. I was sure most of them suffered from gout, diabetes, high blood pressure or all three.

I got there at half past three, thirty minutes after the scheduled time because I didn’t like him much. He was a bully especially to my mom.

“I see you’ve got your mother’s time keeping habit,” he said when I got there.


“And her excuses too, you are your mother’s son,” he said and called over the waiter. “Tell him what you’ll have,” after the waiter left, I noticed that he was drinking with someone else before I got there.

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