Chapter 2: September 1973 - August 1974

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With August 1973 coming to an end and September 1973 just beginning, magical students from all around the UK pack up their things and rush to London to catch the Hogwarts Express from platform 9¾ at Kings Cross Station. The platform was once again filled with tons of different families. The Weasleys, The Potter, The McKinnons, the EvanZ, The Lovegoods,  the Snapes, the Crouch's, the Rosiers, the Lupins and so many more. The platform was filled with lots of different families.

As the students all rushed onto the train, the Black children were held back again for another word. Sirius, Regulus and Janus were the only blacks still at Hogwarts and the only Black's still single. Seeing as Narcissia graduated in August and got married to Lucius Malfoy that Summer.  “You must keep the reputation of the black family. Sirius, you are the heir. You can't be hanging around those mudbloods and half bloods anymore. It's bad enough you are in gryffindor. All of you will only date someone of our choice. Do you all understand? If you do anything to ruin our reputation, there will be grave punishments when you come home. Janus, stop making yourself look like a weasley. stop making your hair ginger. You need to choose looks that empower our reputation, not ruin it.”. The children nod before leaving for the train. 

On the train, the students all sat in different compartments. Emile, Remy and Patton were sat together. The the marauders were sat together. Lily, Marlene, Dorcas and Mary were sat together. (Alice had graduated last year). Logan had wanted to sit alone but Roman wasn't allowed to sit with the marauders and all the other compartments were full so he was like “Nerd im sitting here” and sat in Logan's compartment. Barty, Evan, Regulus and Pandora were sat together.  Janus, Remus and V were sat together. V was sassing Roman on the platform, the pair had noticed and decided to drag V off to their compartment and befriend him. So now V was stuck listening to Remus talk about how much he wants to unravel this nerd guy from Ravenclaw. 

Finally, they arrived at Hogwarts after a very long train ride. 

After the events of the platform and train, Janus and Remus started forcing V everywhere with them no matter how much V protested and tried to stay on her own. They literally took V everywhere with them. To the great hall where they all sat at the slytherin table. To the slytherin common rooms. To the dungeons. To the quidditch field ro watch all the quidditch tryouts (Remus just wanted to see Roman get hurt but instead had to watch Roman be accepted as the Gryffindor seeker). To the blacklake where they had to stop Remus trying to swim with the giant squid. To the potions labs, astronomy tower and library where Remus grewsumly flirted with the nerd known as Logan Lupin. The only time V was ever without them is when she was in her classes (which is normally ravenclaw and hufflepuff mixed) and in the hufflepuff only areas. It was actually at one of these points that V met Patton. 


It was late at night. Way past curfew. V was curled up in a chair by the fireplace. Covered by her quilt. V didn’t feel right in her dorm. Not just because of how horrible her roommate was. It just didn’t feel right. V also couldn’t sleep and didn’t want to deal with her roommates if she woke them up. So V was alone in the common room by the fireplace. 

Patton and Emile were awake in their dorm room. Remy had sneaked out to a party at the 3rd greenhouse so they were worried about him as they all heard the rumours about the 3rd greenhouse. Anyway they were chatting about cartoons when they heard the crackle of the fireplace. Patton decided to investigate. So he left the dorm room and walked downstairs, followed by Emile. But he stopped when he saw V. He was about to run over to speak to him when Emile grabbed his hand. “Stop.. I know her. That’s V Snape. She lives down the street from me. I have been trying for years to be friends with her but she always pulled away. She never gets close to anyone. I think she has attachment and trust issues” Emile said but Patton only said “only more reason to go talk to her” before rushing over to V. 

“Hey kiddo. I'm Patton McKinnon. What's your name?” Patton quickly introduced himself, happily. “V” V said, looking up at her.  “What are you doing up Kiddio?” the Scottish boy asked. V rolled her eyes and stood up “look you don't have to talk to me. I know you are only doing it to look helpful in front of your friends or whatever. But you don't need to so i'm just going to leave” Emile and Patton were left watching V walk up to the girls dorms 


After that day, Patton and Emile made a pact to try and get V to open up and trust them. They wanted to help V and get her to be their friend. V tried to stay distant though whenever they tried. 

At Christmas, Gryffindor hosted a massive Christmas party. Every house was invited. Even a bunch of ravenclaws showed up. It was chaotic. A 6th year hufflepuffs snuck alcohol (and a few spicy plants) in, so a lot of the kids weren't sober. A lot of things were getting smashed. It was chaotic. Patton and Emile had gone with Remy. Emile spent most of the night keeping Remy safe. While Patton made a lot of new friends, including Roman and Janus. Janus and Remus had dragged V there. But Remus left V to go cause chaos and Janus was drinking and chating up Roman and Patton so V left the party very quickly.   Logan was one of the ravenclaws who stayed away from the party. The Marauders were there. Of course they were, they were hosting the party. Remus was in charge of music. Sirius was getting drunk. Peter was sorting out food.  James ….. James disappeared. Marlene, Dorcas and Mary were at the party but Lily was in the library with Severus. The party was chaotic. At one point, Sirius and Marlene started making out and publicly got together in front of everyone. 

Speaking of Relationships, if February is the month of love, March should be the month of break ups. People get together in February in time for valentines then break up in march after realising they don't work. Logan and Remus were one of these couples. They got together on valentines day (Logan only said yes as a social experiment). But then on the 1st of march they broke up. Sirius and Marlene also broke up in march after a massive fight happened after a quidditch match. 

Though in the two weeks that Remus and Logan were together, V and Logan got close somehow. During those two weeks, Logan went everywhere with Remus as part of the experiment which meant he spent a lot of time with V and they got to know each other very well. And surprisingly, they became friends when Logan and Remus broke up and continued to talk with each other.   

By the end of the year, V was fed up with Patton's persistence and gave in. She let Patton in. They, slowly, started chatting and slowly built up a friendship (though Patton basically adopted V within the first two minutes). V refused to tell anyone about her homelife or about Roman though. 

Before any of the second years could go home, they all had to pick elective OWL lessons to take on top of the mandatory classes (Transfiguration, Potions, charms, Astronomy, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology and History of Magic). The elective classes were: 
• Arithmancy
• Muggle Studies
• Ancient Runes
• Care of Magical Creatures
• Divination 

Logan, Janus and Barty picked all of the classes to take. Their heads tried talking them out of it but failed. Virgil picked care of Magical creatures and Muggle Studies. Patton picked care of Magical creatures, Divination and Muggle Studies. Roman picked Divination and muggle Studies. Divination because he thought it would be easy. Muggle Studies because muggles are cool. Remus picked divination because it seemed easy. Remy picked only muggle Studies because it was going to annoy his dad so much. Emile picked care of magical creatures and divination. Pandora picked Care of magical creatures, divination and Ancient Runes. Evan picked divination and Ancient Runes. Regulus's mother picked for him and picked Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. 

On the train home the compartments were as follows: 
-Logan, V, Patton, Emile, Remy (it was just Logan and V but Patton forced them to join the roommates) 
- the marauders and Roman 
- Lily, Dorcas, Marlene, Mary. 
- Remus and Janus 
- Regulus, Evan, Barty and Pandora. 
- Severus

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