Chapter 7: September 1978 - August 1979

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“Date: September 1978


So many people have died and the year isn't even finished yet. How many more people will have to day for this war.

Is anywhere safe? 

Is there anywhere not a war? 

Is there anywhere to hide? 

How do you know your friends not secretly a death eater? 

How do I know that your not going to murder me? 

No one knows. You can't trust anyone.”

September 1978. The wizards war had gotten so much worse over the summer. No where was safe in the UK. There was no where to hide. There was no where to stay out of the fighting. There was no where to go. You had to pick a side. You had to fight. But whatever you do, your chance of being killed is increased to 99%. There was no where to go to be safe. Even Hogwarts, the safest place in the uk, was unsafe. Half the students were death eaters or followed the death eaters views. A quarter of the students wanted to fight against the death eaters, they wanted to fight along side Dumbledore. The rest of the students wanted nothing to do with this war or the killings. They just wanted to be safe. The parents of all the students either wanted their child to fight for their chosen sode or for their child to be away from the war. 

So it's no surprise when only a few students for each year turned up for Hogwarts this year. Our secret siblings all went back to Hogwarts though. But the compartments were different. The whole train was different. But the compartments were the most different and it wasn't just the atmosphere of the compartments.  It was who was in each compartment. 

In one compartment, Roman, Patton and Logan were together. There was no Virgil. There was no Remy. There was no Emile. No in this compartment there was only Roman, Patton and Logan. They were talking about why Virgil wasn't talking to anyone and how they are going to help in this war. 

In another compartment was Remy and Emile. Remy and Emile had hidden themselves away at the back of the train in the very last compartment on their own. They were trying to distract each other from the war. They were trying to pretend it didn't exist so they could be teenagers one last time before being forced into it.  

In a slytherin compartment, there was Janus (back with blond hair and clear skin), Remus P, Evan and Barty. Four death eaters. Four people with missions. Four people are determined to cause chaos. Two people determined to make their parents proud. Two people determined to do the opposite. 

In another area of the train was Regulus and Pandora. Both reading a book. One with a book about rare potions. One with a book about dark artefacts like Horcruxs. Both stuck in thought. One wearing a necklace from her boyfriend. One single as can be. But both are determined to help each other. 

In another compartment was Virgil. All alone. Cutting himself off from the world. Starting at his arm in disappointment and sadness. He couldn't face his friends or his boyfriend after everything that has happened. After what he had done. He didn't want anything to do with war but now…. Now he is …. He is one of those horrible murderers. The murderers, his friends, boyfriend and his friend's siblings fight against. 

The compartments weren't the only thing that was different so was Hogwarts. Hogwarts was so empty. There were more ghosts than normal. Some were students that were only attending Hogwarts last year. There were hardly any students. And the sorting hat….. the sorting hat changed his song. 

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