Chapter 4: September 1975 - August 1976

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As the brand new school year rolled round after a summer of fun, the streets of London once again filled up with young witches and wizards from the ages of 11-17 with their families. The muggle officer once again didn’t know what hit him when he gets asked the same question over and over again. Where is platform 9 ¾? 1st september was always the busiest time of the year for kings cross station but this year, 1975, the station seemed less busy than normal. It seemed like less families were on the platform this year than all the other years, like less studenys were coming back to Hogwarts or were even starting hogwarts. It's ridiculous. 

Though all the adults and students seemed to be talking about one thing. The Wizarding War.  They were all taking about how the wizarding world was officially at War, how many people were dying and if its safe at Hogwarts. 

After a while, the families emptied out the platform as the students waved goodbye from the compartments on the Hogwarts express which started chugging along. Off to Hogwarts they go.  

On the train things were a bit weird. Sure the marauders and 5th year ladies were sat together like normal but the other compartments were different. Severus were sat with a bunch of sketchy looking slytherins. Remy and Emile were alone, having a date on the train.  Roman, Patton, Janus, Remus, V and Logan were all sat together. V was sat uncomfortably watching everything happening in the overcrowded compartment. Logan was sat by the window on one side, with V sat next to him. At the other side of V was Remus. Across from Remus was Roman. Across from V was Janus. Aross from Logan was Patton. Things were chaotic in the compartment. Roman and Remus were fighting each other which was distracting Roman from being mean to V. Remus kept saying gross, repulsive, sexual stuff about Sirius Black. Logan was sat quietly reading butting in every now and then to say fun facts or to correct someone. Janus was flirting with Patton so Patton was a blushing mess. 
This was going to be a weird year. 

Half way through the train ride, it got to much for V so they got up and left to find another compartment. Logan followed them. And they speng the rest of the train ride talking about space. V loves how Logan's eyes light up as he rants about something he is passinate about. (PLATONIC LOVE. DEFINITELY PLATONIC. CAN'T BE ANYTHING ELSE RIGHT? ITS NOT LIKE V'S IN LOVE WITH LOGAN OR ANYTHING. THAT'D BE SILLY) V also told Logan about how they are trying out they/them.

At the welcoming speech, the students soon found out why the platform was so ……. Empty. Everyone was scared of the dark lord turning up at Hogwarts. They didn't kniw if Hogwarts was completly safe. You see in the welcome speech, as well as introducing the new defence against the dark arts professor, Dumbledore did special speak 

“Welcome back to Hogwarts and welcome to Hogwarts first years. Here at Hogwarts you are in the safest place you can be. And since you are here, your parents know this. I promise to keep you safe away from the war and i have promised your families. You will only have to help save so many people in this war if you want to. No one is fourcing you to fight.  Now onto the usual announcement. The forbidden forest is well forbidden. Mr Flitch has updated hos rules for the Hallways, they are on his office door. crewfew to be back in your common rooms has been moved to 7 for everyone i'm afraid. 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th years, you will still have later bed crewfews of 9pm, 10pm, 11pm and 12am but no student is allowed out of their common rooms past 7pm for their own safey. Now bon a petit” 

After the feast, as the students were about to be sent to their common rooms, Remy climbied on top of their table and made an announcement of their own “yo motherfuckers, i'm non binary. Thats my gender. Use they/them for me or you can die. Got it, bitches?” 

That night, V and Remy found out they could no longer get into the male or female dorms. Instead a new dorm door appeared just for them. A dorm room for those who's gender lay out of the binary female and male. So I guess V and Remy are roommates again. This also outed V as non binary and they/them to the whole of Hufflepuff which got spread around Hogwarts quickly. 

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