Chapter 6: September 1977 - August 1978

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As September 1977 rolled round, so did the new school year. Students of old and new filled the Hogwarts express ready to go back to Hogwarts (even less than last year) but not all of them were excited. Some of them had missions they were being forced to carry out this year for the dark lord. Some of them had lost loved ones. Some of them were terrified about this war. Some were stressed, this was their final year at Hogwarts. As the students arrived in drips and drabs, they climbed onto the train ti find their compartment. 

Virgil, Patton, Roman and Logan were sat in a compartment together. At first they were talking about how Virgil now lives with Logan. Then they were talking about their OWL Results. Then it moved to plays Roman had been in over the summer before moving to a completely different topic.  

Remus and Jamus were sat together in a slytherin compartments. They were talking about their plans got this year and the chaos they were going to bring. But also, somehow on that train ride, Janus and Remus got together and started dating. 

Regulus, Evan and Barty sat together. They talked about being death eaters. About how on earth Barty got 12 OWLs. About Evan and Barty being together. About Regulus still not being over James. 

Severus was on his own writing in his little spell book. 

Remy and Emile were off having a date in a compartment together. 

Soon enough classes started and everyone got settled into the new classes and work. Everyone was shocked at Remus's change in look. But hey at least everyone can tell the Potter twins apart now. Though only two weeks into the year, Janus and Remus broke up for unknown reasons. No one knew why. All they knew was the break up made Remus more chaotic and…. Just more Remus.  

As the weeks went on, more and more deaths kept happening. Everyone was getting worried. The war was getting closer. Even students are being found dead now. Everyone was terrified. No one knew what to do. 

Also as the weeks went on, certain students kept disappearing for anywhere from an hour to two weeks. Janus, Evan, Remus L and Regulus were only a few of those students. No one knew where they went and they always refused to answer. One month, Remus missed a whole month of lessons because he disappeared for two weeks then he had a horrible full moon that landed him in the hospital for the rest of the month. That was a horrible month, Remus hated it. Yes, Virgil was also stuck in the hospital wing after that moon. 

As well as students disappearing, Dumbledore started contacting students privately and started convincing them to join something called the Order of the Phoenix. A group set out to protect the wizarding world from people like Voldemort. Patton, Roman and the marauders were amongst those contacted. These communications were supposed to be private just between that student and Dumbledore. But somehow Janus found out about the communications with Patton and Roman. So he decided to use his amazing deceitful skills to get close to Patton and Roman again. To convince them he wanted to fight against Voldemort. He was able to convince them that he didn't mean what he said about Virgil, he was just scared. He was able to convince them that he had changed and no matter how much Virgil protested saying he hadn't changed, Patton and Roman were convinced. It didn't help that Janus was constantly flirting with Roman. 

So much sadness has happened in so few months that the teachers had an idea. 





●No alchol 
●no drugs 
●no inappropriate outfits 
●no inappropriate actions“ 

These posters filled the walls of Hogwarts. This was all everyone could talk about. Everyone was so excited. Hogsmade were filled with people buying clothes for the party. Owl's kept bringing fancy clothes from home for the children who couldn't go shopping. The halls were filled with people asking out other people to the party. Remus L actually asked Sirius to the party. But between the time of asking and the party, they had become boyfriends. The same thing happened with James and Lilly though Lily was the one to ask with a sly “oh aren't you going to ask me to the Christmas party then?”. Logan and Virgil obviously decided to go together just like Remy and Emile and Marlene and Dorcas, 

Everyone was excited. 

Finally the day arrived. The day of the Christmas party. Everyone was dressed up in their best party clothes. It was beautiful. The party was so much fun. There was dancing, games, food and so much more. Everyone had fun and the party was doing its job of distracting everyone. Even the teachers were having fun. At the end of the party Regulus and James ended up in argument as Regulus wasn't over James and he didn't like the fact James moved on so quickly. 

The rest of the school year went by quickly. Far too quickly for those who would be sitting their NEWT exams this year. The rest of tje year was filled with studying and stressing about the examinations. Though there was a realisation in all this studying. A realisation that caused Remus and Sirius to break up. 

"I never like you in a romantic sense, I don't even find you attractive. I never have found anyone attractive and I have never had a crush on anyone of any gender. I don't know what's wrong with me. but I thought since I don't like girls, I should like boys so I first got with Remus. But I never liked having sex. It felt gross but it was something to do so I did it.  Then I choose to have a crush on you because you are an amazing friend. And then I asked you out because that's what you meant to do right when you like someone and then you said yes. and we started being boyfriend and boyfriend. I enjoyed the idea of having a boyfriend cause you know boyfriend is just a best friend with a new label but then we started doing relationship things like dinner dates and I released it as more than just being good friends and I felt uncomfortable. but I didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt your feelings. So you deserve someone better than me. Someone who isn't broken. Someone who actually loves you that way. Just please don't hate me. I still want to be your friend but I don't want to date.. I think I might be… what did Logan call it?    Aroace” 

Anyway after the months of studying, it was finally time for the marauders and Vixens to take their NEWT exams. Another stressful time. 

Soon after the exams, it was time to go home. The compartments were as normal but as Virgil left to go to the toilet he was confronted by Severus. “This summer you will meet me and knockturn alley. Then I will take you to become a death eater. If you don't, we will kill that boyfriend of yours, then the rest of your friends one by one untill i am all you have left then you'll have to be a death eater “

So that summer that's what happened.  Virgil snuck off from the lupins and met Severus who took him to a death eater meeting. At the meeting, Virgil spotted Janus and Remus and gasped in shock. But Janus was different. He looked like Regulus but down once side of his face was snake scales and that eye was yellow. Virgil didn't have time to ponder that fact before Voldemort forced him to join Greyback's pack and to gain the death eater mark. 

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