chapter 15

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Meanwhile hao who went out of his room was still in shock, he traced his lips while remembering what happened, his cheeks were flushed.

Hao shook away his thoughts and went to his room to tidy himself. After that he left the house and went straight to his parent's house. Surprisingly he found out they moved out of the house. He asked his neighbors for the address of their new house and got it.

He went to central seoul and went to the apartment number given and ringed the doorbell waiting for it to open. Shortly he heard the door opening and saw aera, she was shocked to see him.

He went inside and shouted his parent's name, they came down after hearing the commotion, they were shocked to see hao too.

h/m- what are you doing here? How did you find this place.

Hao- why? Why did you agree for this marriage? My life is hell because of you!!

h/f- did you run away from your home?

Hao- that's not my home!!

Aera- hao you should even be thankful to be in their house, why are you creating a drama here instead of being in your home?

Hao- you shut up! It's all because of you people, take back this marriage immediately, return whatever they gave you

h/m- and why do you think we'd let luxury go

h/f- go back to your house, if your in laws find about you coming here they'll be angry. The deal also includes you not having contact with us after marriage.

Hao- and? What else did you guys agree to? Sell me my body my soul just what were you guys thinking? Am I really your son?

Hao yelled with tears in his eyes. Hao's father chocked suddenly.

h/f- what do you mean? If we were not your parents why would we give you the privilege to stay with us and marry you off to a rich family??

Hao- I don't know I just can't believe that parents could be so harsh on their kid, atleast I never received love from you guys instead this bitch here, aera is the one who you treat like your child not me!

h/m- hao stop speaking ridiculously, go back to your in laws house and stop using your brain for stupid thoughts like this.

Hao- why are you both so desperate in sending me back it's not like you are hiding something. I am not leaving until I know why I was treated like trash by you guys. Today either I die or get the deal cancelled by you guys there's no point of going back.

h/m- hao leave right now!! We have guests coming over. Don't embarrass us with your behavior and the neighbors can hear us so stop creating a mess for us to clean.

Hao- then fricking just cancel the deal I know you can do that if you really wanted to.

h/f- we can't and we will not cancel the deal. Either you leave or I will call the security to kick you out. It's the last chance hao

suddenly the doorbell rang again, hao's father went to attend to it and came in with a couple, aera's parents.

They were surprised on seeing hao, they never really saw him much except a few times when they come to his house.

Aera's father- what happen why is everyone so serious in the hall?

h/f- oh it's nothing please come in and take a seat.

h/m dragged hao to a room and closed the door.

h/m- hao why don't you ever listen to us even once

hao- I always listened to you but not now, please cancel whatever you agreed to with sung family.

Hao was crying and fell on his knees.

Hao- please...please just this one time listen to me, I can't deal with that family.

h/m- we can't cancel the deal. I'm calling the security.

Hao- there's no need, I'll go myself.

h/m- good, you could do this before itself, now get out and don't come back again.

Hao was still crying but left the apartment. He went to han river and just sat down while rethinking his life. He didn't want to go back to that house. He took his phone out just to see multiple missed calls from hanbin, sora and his parent's. he sighed and put his phone back in his bag. He wanted peace.

His bubble broke when,

Stranger- you look lonely, is there anything wrong?

Hao- ah.. it's nothing. Thank you for asking though.

Stranger-I see, here I thought it'll help you.

Hao looked and saw him sharing a candy, hao smiled and took it.

Hao- thank you so much, it brightened my mood.

Stranger- glad to know, I'll get going, see you if we ever could.

Hao- sure.

Hao's mood just brightened up because of this stranger.

He was thinking on whether to go back home when,

??- oh my look who it is.

Hao felt cold shivers run down his body he looked up to see....


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