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My name is Koevasi, and I am a vampire. I was not always like this. I was once a human, a proud member of the Guadalcanal people, who lived on this island long before the foreigners came. I was born in the time of the first settlements, when our ancestors came from the west and found this land rich in resources and beauty. I grew up learning the ways of our culture, the stories of our origin, the skills of hunting and fishing, and the secrets of the forest and the sea. I was happy and content with my life, until the night that changed everything.

It was a full moon night, and I was out with some of my friends, looking for wild pigs in the jungle. We had heard their grunts and squeals, and we followed their tracks, hoping to catch them off guard. We were armed with spears and bows, ready to strike. We came across a clearing, where we saw a large boar, resting under a tree. We crept closer, trying not to make any noise. We were about to attack, when we heard a loud roar from behind us. We turned around, and saw a creature that we had never seen before. It was like a man, but bigger and stronger, with pale skin, long hair, and sharp teeth. It had red eyes that glowed in the dark, and claws that tore through the flesh. It was a vampire, and it was hungry.

It leaped at us, faster than we could react. It grabbed one of my friends by the neck, and bit into his throat, spilling blood everywhere. We screamed and ran, but it was too late. It chased us down, one by one, killing them with ease. I was the last one left, and I knew I had no chance. I threw my spear at it, hoping to wound it, but it dodged it and grabbed me by the arm. It lifted me up, and looked into my eyes. I felt a surge of fear and pain, as it sank its fangs into my neck. I felt my blood draining from my body, and my vision fading. I thought I was going to die, but I didn't. Instead, I felt a strange sensation, as if something was flowing into me, something dark and powerful. It was his blood, and it was turning me into one of him.

He let me go, and dropped me to the ground. I gasped for air, and felt a burning in my chest. He smiled, and said, "Welcome to the night, my child. You are now a vampire, like me. You will live forever, and never grow old. You will have strength and speed, and senses beyond human. You will be free of pain and disease, and fear nothing. But you will also have a price to pay. You will have a thirst for blood, and only blood. You will have to kill to survive, and avoid the sun, or you will burn. You will have to leave your people, and your past, and join me in the shadows. You will have to obey me, and serve me, and follow my rules. You will have to be loyal, and faithful, and grateful. For I am your sire, and you are my progeny. And I am the king of the vampires, and you are my subject."

He reached out his hand, and said, "Come with me, Koevasi. I have chosen you, and given you a gift. You are now part of my family, and my clan. You have a new destiny, and a new purpose. You have a new name, and a new identity. You are no longer a human, or a Guadalcanal. You are a vampire, and a Mendaña. For I am Pedro de Ortega Valencia, the first of our kind, the one who came from Spain, and named this island after King Solomon. I am the one who has ruled this land for centuries, and made it my domain. I am the one who has sired many children, and created many vampires. I am the one who has seen the wars, and the changes, and the challenges. I am the one who has survived, and adapted, and thrived. I am the one who knows the secrets, and the mysteries, and the wonders. I am the one who can teach you, and guide you, and protect you. I am the one who can make you happy, and fulfilled, and powerful. I am the one who can love you, and cherish you, and make you mine. Come with me, Koevasi, and I will show you the world."

I looked at him, and felt a mix of emotions. I felt anger, and hatred, and resentment, for what he had done to me, and to my friends. I felt sadness, and grief, and loss, for what I had left behind, and what I would never have again. I felt fear, and confusion, and doubt, for what I had become, and what I would have to do. But I also felt curiosity, and wonder, and awe, for what he had shown me, and what he would show me. I felt admiration, and respect, and reverence, for what he had achieved, and what he had endured. I felt attraction, and desire, and passion, for what he had given me, and what he would give me. I felt a bond, and a connection, and a kinship, for what he had shared with me, and what he would share with me. I felt a loyalty, and a devotion, and a gratitude, for what he had chosen me, and what he would make me. I felt a love, and a belonging, and a happiness, for what he was to me, and what I was to him.

I took his hand, and said, "Yes, Pedro. I will come with you. I will be your child, and your subject. I will be your family, and your clan. I will be your partner, and your lover. I will be your vampire, and your Mendaña. I will be yours, and you will be mine."

He smiled, and kissed me. He lifted me up, and carried me away. He took me to his lair, and showed me his treasures. He took me to his bed, and made me his. He took me to his heart, and loved me. He took me to the night, and made me live.

That was many years ago, and since then, we have been together, through good times and bad, through peace and war, through joy and sorrow. We have traveled the world, and seen many things. We have met many people, and made many friends. We have faced many enemies, and fought many battles. We have learned many secrets, and discovered many wonders. We have shared many experiences, and created many memories. We have grown stronger, and wiser, and happier. We have remained loyal, and faithful, and grateful. We have loved each other, and cherished each other, and made each other ours.

We are now in Honiara, the capital of the Solomon Islands, and the place where we first met. We have a house here, and a business here, and a life here. We blend in with the people here, and pretend to be human here, and enjoy ourselves here. We have a network of allies here, and a clan of children here, and a kingdom here. We rule this land, and protect this land, and love this land. We are the king and queen of the vampires, and the Mendañas, and the Guadalcanals.

We are Pedro and Koevasi, and we are happy.

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