CH1 - Prologue

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Jack POV

I awoke in a cold sweat, as a vague memory of something flashed into my mind. Something... terrifying, and yet, strangely familiar. I thought to myself "This feels like a memory, but... so distant, and better off forgotten. Am I going crazy?" I soon realized I wasn't going crazy, nor was I having visions. I had a dream. A nightmare, to be precise.

A memory of a small child, a girl, came rushing back to me. My little sister, Dee. She went missing weeks... no, months ago. The place, Fredbear's family diner, got replaced by Freddy's recently, but... no one ever concluded what happened to her. The case was closed as a death. An accident. But I know that isn't what really happened.

"What the hell was that?" I thought as I slowly got up, the vivid image in my mind slowly dissipating and receding into the unconscious. I decided to just brush it off and go about my day.

As usual, I made my morning coffee, and wanted to make some cereal. "Fuck, I ran outta milk." I muttered to myself, after realizing there was, in fact, no more milk left in the fridge. Tragic. "Guess I gotta walk all the way to the store to get some, don't I?" I sighed, before making my way to the bathroom to get some basic hygiene - which I completely ignored the past 2 weeks - done, cuz I smell like cowshit. (Guys hang on pls this is important for the plot he NEEDS to go buy the milk)

I brushed my teeth, showered, got dressed, all that crap. "Keys, check. Wallet, check. Phone, check... Alright, time to touch some grass." I declared proudly. I stepped out of my house, feeling the warmth of June sunlight on my skin. If only it could be like the old days, walking Dee to school like this daily. I miss her. Both her and Peter, my older brother.

"I really should get my life together, huh." I thought to myself, while slowly paving my way to the store. I didn't really feel like walking for long, so I took a shortcut through a shady, tight alleyway. I mean, c'mon, even if someone does jump me, I'd be glad it's all going to be over at last. Walking down the alley, something caught my eye. It was a poster that read: "The Freddy Fazbear's CO needs you! Apply today at +1 (303) 531-8008" (don't fucking call that folks it literally says boobies upside down). I quickly realized that it's the Freddy's chain, the one that bought Fredbear's family diner. Dee went missing there! I can avenge her, I can find her murderer!

I put everything aside. Forget the milk, I need to get a job there. I immediately called them, only to get my hopes crushed by an automated message saying how the recipient is currently unavailable. "God fucking dammit!" I exclaimed in frustration. My only shot at fixing my life, gone. Just like that...

I returned home and plopped back into bed. I was starving, but didn't feel like getting up and eating something. I just stared at my ceiling, quietly hoping for something to happen. And eventually, I fell asleep again.

[Also here's a drawing of Jack by epeexx]

[Also here's a drawing of Jack by epeexx]

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