CH2 - New Job

435 8 19

Jack POV

BRRRRRR, BRRRRRR, BRRRRR. My phone rang. "Fuck man, gotta wake me up like that..." I rolled over to check who was calling me. It was the number from the poster! I quickly collected myself and picked up the phone.

"Uh, hello, hello hello!" greeted a voice from the other end of the line. "Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, Colorado. Scott speaking! You, uhm, called us earlier today. Um, how may I assist you?" Scott added. I finally unfroze and replied "Oh, yeah, I'd like to apply for a job-". "PERFECT!" He beamed after I barely finished my sentence. "We're quite uhhh,  short staffed, so would you be, um,  able to come in righttt... tomorrow at 12 PM?" He asked. "Ah,  sure..." I agreed under the pressure before adding "How's the pay?". "..."

There was a long moment of silence at the end of the line before Scott spoke up again "Salary by agreement. And depends on, uh, how well you'll do. See ya tomorrow then, um, mister...". "Jack. Jack Kennedy." I  responded. "See you tomorrow then, Mr. Kennedy." Scott repeated shortly before hanging up. "Damn, no interview, no nothing? They must be pretty damn understaffed then. Pfft." I chuckled in mockery.

"Tomorrow at 12, huh." I mumbled to myself before laying back down. I sighed heavily, and reminisced of the old times. Those memories, with Dee and Peter, weren't too old, but still seemed so distant and hazy. "I have to go avenge my little Deedee." I declared to myself. And while sure, it's an ambitious goal, it's something I'm willing to do, for my little sister. Peter would be proud too. I have to do it for them.

I was lost in thought for a few moments, before sitting up. I needed a plan. I couldn't just walk in, ask who killed Dee, and walk back out. I had to gain their trust, and snoop around, looking for whatever remnants of the Fredbear's franchise.

"How the fuck will I pull this off?" I sighed again, burying my face in the palms of my hands, before standing up and walking to the kitchen. I ate the disgustingly stale cake I kept from a wedding 2 months ago. I need rest. Tomorrow is another day. Guess I'll figure everything out as I go. The more I thought about it, the more I doubted the plan. But I can't back down now.

I went on about my day. Before I knew it, the sun had set, and it was bedtime. I wasn't sleepy, but I'll always prioritize a free trial of death over my chores.

I browsed cat videos before sleeping. Eventually, I did go out clean. And I dreamt about her again. A little girl with a long red scarf, standing in front of me, her back facing me. "Dee?" I called out to her. She didn't turn around. "Dee, it's me! Can you hear me?" I tried again, to no avail once more. I slowly walked up to her, and tapped her shoulder, gently. She flinched, before swiftly turning around. But it wasn't my Deedee that I expected to see. Instead of her large, emerald colored eyes, her small button nose just like mom's, her tiny smile, I saw a blank face. I screamed in terror, knowing damn well I was dreaming, yet it was still a horrifying sight.

I awoke in a cold sweat. "Why is this happening to me?!" I cried out. My alarm was going off. "Damn it, I guess it's showtime." I got ready for work, you know the drill.

The clock read 11.28 and I was ready to head out. "Keys, check. Wallet, check. Phone, check..." I repeated back to myself, like usual. All the meds make my memory hazy sometimes. I walked out of the front door, heading for the Pizzeria. The entire walk there, I couldn't stop thinking of the nightmare I had last night. Am I just slowly descending into madness, or was it Dee's spirit trying to tell me something? Nevertheless, I will avenge her. No matter what it takes. All I ever had I ever had got taken away from me, and I will have my revenge on the monster who had done this, whoever it was.

I had to distract myself. I was rambling too much. I kicked a pebble the rest of the way, my mind completely blank. Sooner than I knew, I was standing in front of the pizzeria. "Alright, brace yourself, Jack." I reassured myself, before stepping inside. Quickly, all my senses got overwhelmed by children's laughter, the smell of pizza and sweat,  and all the colorful furniture inside. There were animatronics, just like in the old place, dancing and singing on stage. A bear, a purple bunny, and a... chicken? Damn, I wanna devour her hot bird ass.

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