CH5 - The Past

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Dave POV

We arrived back in Denver. Jack was still out clean. "Hey, Old Sport, we're home." I whispered, as I brushed his cheek gently with the back of my hand. He didn't budge one bit. "WAKE UP, OLDEST SPORT!" I said, in a SLIGHTLY higher volume. "AAAAUGH", He jumped. "Dave, what the fuck?! Why do you gotta scare the living shit out of me every time?" He complained. He's so silly, so scrunkly, and so, so cute when he's mad.

Jack helped me carry some of my stuff inside. It was already dark out and we were hungry, so we went to get a hotdog from a hotdog stand near Sportsy's house. I took the first few bites. "So, you're pretty much moving in?" He asked me, while stuffing his face with a hotdog. "You could put it like that, Old Sport." I grinned at him. "Roomies, then." Jack smiled back.

We finished our meal and went back home. Sportsy took his meds and had his evening tea, while I unpacked my stuff. He got me an old mattress I can sleep on in his room. He offered the alternative to sleep on the couch, but like, c'mon. Easy choice.

"So, uh, my bathroom is just on the left there, and my kitchen is at the end of that hallway." He pointed, although I was already well aware of his house's layout. "I know, Old Sport. You don't gotta tell me!" I let him know. He looked at me with a concerned expression, mixed with a fair amount of disgust. What's wrong with visiting a friend from time to time, even if he was unaware?

"So, whatchu wanna do now?" Jack broke the silence after an awkward moment, before sitting down on his bed. I did the same. "I don't know, what do you usually do?" I asked him back. I don't wanna make him do stuff he doesn't find entertaining. "I don't have many hobbies, but we can talk. You know, get to know each other better on a personal level." He suggested. "Sure, Sportsy! What do you wanna talk about?" I let him pick. "You know, you were acting a bit weird yesterday, so I wanted to ask if there's something bothering you." He offered to listen to me.

Just reminiscing about my time made my skin crawl, but I feel it would be better if Jack knows. He is my best and only friend after all. "Uhh, my past... It wasn't the best. I was an orphan and my childhood wasn't always so joyful." I confessed, "Or so it was until Henry rescued me." I continued, before the room fell completely silent again. My hands went cold. The past scares me. "Hey, I know you don't like talking about this, but it'd help me a lot if you could tell me. Maybe it'll make you feel better too." He smiled softly, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. And man, is he totally right.

"I was kicked out of an orphanage in New York sometime in the '50s. Turns out people don't really like kids with purple skin." I carried on telling Jack, fidgeting with my hair. He was listening intently, as if he was a therapist. You could really tell he used to be an older brother. "I taught myself how to play the tuba to get a spare quarter or two in New York streets, but you know how it goes. Barely got anything, ever." I told him before he nodded ever so slightly. "One day, a traveling circus visited the city. They guaranteed they'd be able to blow your mind, and offered full money returns if they didn't. I sneaked in to see what all the rage was about." I clarified. "Was it as sick as they advertised it to be, though?" Jack asked. "The fuck it was, Old Sport. Every act they performed broke at least one rule I thought I knew about reality." I described. "How is that possible?" He wondered. "They were heading to Vegas, but never made it there. There were disappearances and the circus got shut down." I explained.

"I knew what I had to do. I had to get hired by Henry." I resumed my ramble. "So I saved up money and pursued my dream successfully. And we made Fredbear's family diner a thing." Jack simply nodded, with a subtle look of skepticism to his face. "He was the dad I've never had. He gave me the late childhood I've always yearned for. I did everything he asked of me in return. Including killing people. For a good cause, of course." I assured Jack. He got a little taken aback, and looked like he wanted to say something. But not a single word came out of his mouth.

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