CH8 - Your Hands Are Warm

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Dave POV

I fell asleep and found myself in that dark, void space again. Dammit. I looked down, but my legs weren't tied up. I could move freely. I looked around, searching for Jack with my sight. I did eventually, and ran straight for him. Henry's voice echoed throughout the abyss just like last time.

"I thought you were loyal to your Father! But look at you, you chose a pathetic, stupid MORTAL over Me?!" Henry jabbered. I covered my ears and ran faster.

I kept running until I was out of breath. I stopped to take a breather, wiped sweat off of my forehead, and checked how far I've gone. I wasn't an inch closer to Sportsy. Ugh, I hate this feeling. Make it stop!

I awoke in a cold sweat. The once vivid nightmare rapidly receded into the unconscious. I checked my phone for the time. It was 2 in the morning. I sat up to see if Jack's alright. He was soundly asleep. I stood up and walked to his bed, and plopped down next to him.

"Hmmphmm?" Jack woke up and turned around to see what's up. "I don't feel so good, Sportsy. Mind if I sleep here after all?" I explained myself. "Mhmm..." Jack allowed me and turned back to his sleeping position. This feels so much safer. I dozed off again.

BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. In what felt like just a moment, Jack's alarm went off. "Ugh..." Jack groaned, reaching for the alarm clock. "Good morning, Old Sport." I greeted him. He turned over to me. "Morning, Dave. How are you feeling?" He greeted me back. "It's... certainly better. I'm just glad you're safe." I admitted. "O-oh, I'm happy to hear that." Jack got a little startled and froze momentarily at my response.

I got up and pulled my shit together. Jack made some breakfast. "I got you a kebab!" He grinned at me. "A kebab, for breakfast?" I chuckled, very puzzled. "I'm 99% sure you won't decline the offer, though." He leaned back sassily. Jeez, he's adorable.

I sat down by the coffee table and Jack served breakfast in front of me, before sitting down as well. We started feasting while watching TV.

A news channel was broadcasting a report from a local Freddy's about children going missing. "I wonder who's responsible for that." Jack smiled at me from across the table. "Yeah. Can't imagine who'd have done something as terrible!" I said sarcastically. We had a laugh. Man, I'm definitely in love. Is this the right time to tell him?

I almost feel relieved Henry can no longer harm me. I shouldn't be feeling this way, and yet, I'm so glad I can be here without a single worry in the world.

Jack finished his meal and took away his plate to the kitchen. I followed him. YOLO, I'm gonna fucking do it.

"Hey, uh, Jack..." I got his attention. "Hm?" He glanced at me, down to listen to what I had to say. "I gotta talk to you about something." I sighed. My heart was pounding, but there's no backing out now. "Sure, what's up?" He shifted all of his attention to me. It's likely he noticed my nervousness. He almost seemed worried.

"Listen, I-" I failed spilling the tea and buried my face in my hands. "I just... I just wanted to tell you I care about you, a lot. And, uh.." I admitted. Jack visibly realized what's happening, but nodded calmly and waited for me to continue. "I wanted to ask if you could call me Dave Kennedy instead of Dave Miller from now on." I requested. Jack's eyes widened and he stood still, clearly stunned for a moment. "What are you implying?" He tried to confirm. Where are my steel balls when I need them the most?

"I'm in love with you, Sport. I have been since I first met you." I confessed. Shit, why do I feel even more scared after I managed to get that out? I kind of just froze. Jack didn't say anything. I had no clue what to do. I simply stood there like a moron.

Jack's reaction wasn't too different from mine. It wasn't until he took an uncertain step towards me. I did the same. And then another one. Our eyes were locked on each other. A lot of tension was created.

I reached for his waist and held the side of his face with my other hand. Fuck, the butterflies... He touched my arms with his hands gently. We were inches away from one another. He glanced down at my mouth, and then back up into my eyes. I could feel his heartbeat. It synced up with mine.

We stood like that for a moment. I caught myself staring at his mouth. He tilted his head to the right, and so did I. We both slowly shut our eyes and leaned in for a kiss. I softly pressed my lips against his. They were soft and warm. I felt him kiss me back. Shit, this feels really nice.

[quick doodle by me again :3 also painted nails dave >>>]

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[quick doodle by me again :3 also painted nails dave >>>]

The kiss was gentle and tender at first. I deepened it after a while, though. Jack didn't expect that. He was very vocal about all this, to say that the least. I held him tighter, and he did the same. It was a sweet moment.

Jack broke the kiss after a few seconds. He was breathing heavily. "I love you, Dave." He told me. "I love you too, Jack. I've always loved you." I smiled. "Your hands are warm." He pointed out, feeling my hand on his cheek. "I'm aware. They do that when I'm happy."

He grabbed my face and kissed me again, this time with more confidence and passion. Oh, I definitely made the right decision this time. I pulled him close and let stuff happen...

(idk how to write endings suggestions are VERY appreciated 🥲)

that's it for now folks! thank you for reading my fanfic till the end. this was a joy to write and i hope it was enjoyable to read as well! see ya in the next one.

Your Hands Are Warm (A DaveSport Fic)Where stories live. Discover now