CH3 - The Missing Children

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Jack POV

I listened to the tape and got into my kool kat suit. The tape mentioned the possibility of metal pieces "getting married" to your lungs, which I already kinda figured based on Phonefuck's behavior. Dave helped me with the hand crank, and was so nice to explain how the springlock suits work in immense detail. I wonder where he knows all this from? I then headed to the party room to perform for the kiddins. These snarky fucks are gonna be the death of me one day. Why can't every kid be as sweet as little Dee?

Dave eventually got into his suit as well and entered the party lounge. He gave me the look. I knew what I had to do, but I wasn't sure if I had the strength to do it. He knew damn well I understood the assignment, and since we already agreed, there was no other way out. I was honestly really scared of what that purple guy is capable of.

"Hi kids! Do you like candy?" I said as I approached a group of children. My heart rate increased substantially. The children cheered and asked if I had any. I looked over at Dave. His glowing white irises were piercing me, but I could tell he was smiling even from a distance. "Follow me then! I have an entire secret stash in the back here!" God, what am I doing...

I got to the safe room with 5 kids following me cheerfully, wholly unaware what's about to happen to them. This is wrong. I can't kill kids. I'd be no different from Dee's murderer- "Sportsy, you brought the kiddins! I reckon we're here to eat some candy?" Dave interrupted my thoughts. The children cheered again, oblivious to the clear lie. So innocent, so pure. I don't think I can do th- "Old Sport, here you go..." Dave whispered, interrupting my contemplation again, while handing me a knife stealthily. I looked up at him, horrified. Just from his eyes, I could tell he was batshit insane. But... he might know what happened to Dee.

I snatched the knife, tightly. I turned to the kids, who all just got hit by realization. I felt like I blacked out. Next thing I knew, my big springlock suit hands were covered in blood. I looked at Dave. He was completely losing it. He had the kind of laugh you thought you'd only hear Disney villains make. I was scared, and Dave could definitely tell.

"Hm? Sportsy, you're shaking. What, not used to offing toddlers?" He stopped laughing to find out what's wrong, but still kept his comical attitude. I dropped the knife and backed off. Concern grew on Dave's face. "Hey, Old Sport, it's alright... You did the right thing." He assured me. "No, I killed kids, Dave! I'm no better than the monster who took Dee's life!" I wailed at him. What have I done? "Who's Dee? Did she get killed too?" He asked me in bewilderment. "My sister. She went missing in an old Fredbear's joint..." I confessed. "O-oh... I- uhh, we should hide the bodies before Phoneface gets here." He quickly changed the topic. What is he hiding? Or does he simply feel bad for bringing that up?

"Here, get 'em one by one and throw them into the dumpster in the back." Dave instructed me, handing me the corpse of one of the kids. I felt awful. But I needed revenge. Dave definitely knows something. "Don't feel bad, Old Sport! I'm sure those kids didn't have any families!" He reassured me again. "I don't think that's the case..." I sighed, before taking the corpse and stealthily bringing it over to the dumpster.

Just as I was about to sneak past everyone in the pizzeria, Phoney approached me. "Employee!" He got my attention. "Uh, hi Scott! Ahah, what's up?" I tried acting natural, failing miserably. I concealed the body behind me. "A parent just asked me if I haven't seen their kid. A 9 year old boy in a pink football tee. Seen him around by any chance?" He inquired. Uh oh... "Oh, Scott, I think I saw him in the bathroom, can you go check?" Dave shouted from afar, practically saving me. "Uh, okay, I'll go check that out, then." Phoneface declared, before going to investigate. I looked back at Dave, standing in the hall's doorway. He finger gunned me and left???? God, he's a cursed man.

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