Pinch Point 28 - An eye for an eye

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Astaroth's POV
Five days later.


The desperate bone-chilling shrieks were cut short by a blade severing through the voidling's head. Flinging aside the corpse, Astaroth withdrew the tentacle covered in purple blood.

*You should probably go back now. The Noxians are coming today.*

"Hm," Astaroth hummed while wiping the pungent fluid from her face.

Spending time away from troublesome civilisation had allowed her to calm down. She no longer felt uncomfortable from the betrayal a few days ago. In fact, it was stupid of her to get so emotional over something she should have expected from others. Anyway, it's not her first time being lied to. So no need to kick up a big fuss over it.

Standing in the midst of countless arachnid-like corpses, Astaroth surveyed her handiwork with satisfaction. It seemed like her grandfather was gradually growing stronger the more voidspawns it devoured. Just 2 days ago, she would still feel a little light-headed after using the old man's powers for too long. Now, she hardly flinched even after clearing two Void rifts back to back. The only downside of an energetic old man was that it's more talkative.

*What's your plan, girl?*

While cleaning her bloody hands, Astaroth explained, "Approach that Gray bastard. I've already done a background check. He's a scummy womaniser."

*And you think he will fall for you? You're a lunatic.*

She smirked, "And what about it? Look at me," she said while caressing her cheek smugly, "have you seen Sister's face? It would be a wonder if this kind of sultry beauty isn't his type. I just need to act a little coy and he will soon be at my beck and call."

After cleaning herself and changing into a fresh set of winter clothes, Astaroth took out a mini hexgate device. The telltale blue light soon enveloped her and she was transported straight back to the academy's cafeteria. It was empty here. Everyone must be at the arena to welcome the war-crazed Noxians. Though she said 'welcome', in reality, the relationship between Piltover and Noxus was hanging by a thin thread. All because the city worked together with Ionia to handle the Void. Sounds reasonable and all but to the brainless Noxians, all they could think of was that Piltover chose to side with their enemy. And they did not like it. The introduction of powerful hextech augments would likely tilt the outcome of the impending war. So this exchange programme was basically a way for Noxus to smooth out relations with Piltover, hoping that they would not interfere in the conflict. All while attempting to dig out every possible information to use against the Council. Even buying over Evelynn to act as an informant. Of course, the Council leaders weren't ignorant of their intentions. They were always wary of letting war freaks into their borders. So as an act of good faith, the exchange students were only allowed to bring in a limited quota of guards. Any more than that would be seen as an act of treason. Which was also the perfect time for her to approach the Grays' heir. Just thinking about the soon approaching finale was making her dizzy with excitement.

The moment Astaroth reached the arena, she was blasted with a faceful of cold air. It has begun to snow already. Urghhh... Such a dreadful season. Under the open-air colosseum, tiny snowflakes fell from the sky. The soggy ground was caked in a thin blanket of ice and snow. The place was chock-full of people, making it even more festive. However, the exchange students stood out the most with their war-esque inspired armour and 'flowing cape'. As if it was an efficient manner to move around in. These people were really as brainless as she had thought.


She glanced at the few fellows she had been avoiding for the past few days. The group was dressed in warm winter apparels—Kali in her scarf and oversized beanie while Kaisa was in a black trench coat. For some reason, Ahri with a white scarf looked quite aesthetically pleasing. Especially when the scarf was as fluffy as her vulpine ears, blending in with her style. Under the snowy-white apparel, Astaroth spotted glimpses of metallic grey. She curled her lips good-naturedly and gave a mock wave with her right hand before quickly stuffing it back into the pocket of her warm jacket. She absolutely detest the cold.

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