Resolution 37 - Who's more important?

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Ahri's POV
I was lying on Asta's bed, peering at the sleeping beauty beside me. The little cutie was tightly bundled into a dumpling. Soft rhythmic snores rang out. I actually adored watching my baby doze off. Whenever she's off to dreamland, Asta unknowingly lets herself go. Her expression no longer pinched unhappily. All the frost and paranoia melted away, leaving behind a naive-looking face. Her true face. It reminded me of her past childish self, constantly trying to sneak a touch or two to my ears. Back then, she'd find funny excuses to snuggle with me, all while brazenly stroking my tails, when she obviously had no idea what this gesture meant to a Versani.

I hummed lightly, drawing small circles on her palm. This hand used to be so small and pudgy. Really satisfying to prod. Now her fingers were long and slender. Sexy~

It's been a few days since Asta's birthday. After that special occasion, something changed. It was very subtle. Almost imperceptible if you don't see her indifferent face every day. Not to mention she had recently dropped her guard around Akali, her face was also much brighter as compared to before when she's constantly depressed. Her temper has drastically improved too. She no longer lash out anymore. Became more calm and collected. Though she's still just as shy as ever. Refusing to wear pretty dresses and skirts. Especially when it's in front of her classmates. I'll have to find a way to get her in more cute clothes. It's so fun dolling her up~

I gently poked her nose. Asta sniffled and hid her face deeper into the bundle of blanket. I chuckled amusedly, propping myself up on an elbow. Strands of her silky hair swirled between my fingers. They were like soft sand, scattering down from my palm. She's a lot cuter when asleep. More honest and less duplicitous. It somehow ignited an irresistible urge to tease her non-stop. Especially after all the burn scars had completely healed. If there's one thing her deadbeat parents did well was that they passed down good genes. This beautiful face... was illegally attractive. Arousing my appetite. Every time I looked at her, I could feel my soul being utterly captivated. Exactly like a kumiho's seductiveness. Makes me want to do some... unspeakable things. I want to play with her. See all kinds of expressions flashing across her indifferent face. See how red her cheeks and ears could go. I wonder... If I do something naughty, what expression would she make? Would her face be contorted with pleasure? Would she start begging for mercy?

My heart fluttered at the thought of Asta desperately crying out my name as she writhed beneath me. My nail glided across her milky skin, tracing the smooth contours of her face until it stopped at her collarbones. Her summer-scented body wash was dulling my mind, egging me to devour the baby deer whole. Pupils dilated as my fingertip dipped further down into the collar of her shirt.

Before I could have my heart's desires fulfilled, a calm voice interrupted my fun, "What do you think you're doing?"

My movements paused and I looked at Asta cheekily. Her brows weren't scrunched up in anger. In fact, she was just staring at me with complicated eyes. How adorable. My hands subconsciously reached out to pinch her tender cheeks. They weren't as chubby as before since they had slimmed down to form a sharp jawline. Seductive and sultry. I like it.

"Playing with my cute baby~" I mused.

Asta only cocked an eyebrow and let me stroke her face. So obedient. My favourite type of prey-the submissive kind.

After pinching her soft skin for a while, Asta suddenly pointed out, "You used to have black hair and golden eyes."

Now this caught my attention.

I sat up excitedly and clasped her hands, "You remember everything?"

She shook her head, "Only some bits. I remembered playing with you... And running to you crying..."

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