4. dang veggies

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3126 words

tyler jolts awake to both the sound of his alarm and the watch on his wrist vibrating frantically. with a groan, he uses his watch to turn off the alarm. he sits up slowly, rubbing his eyes with the backs of his hands. his stomach is churning, a dull pain throbbing behind his eyes. he groans again at the realization that he's hungover, flopping back down into bed.

he blindly reaches towards his nightstand and retrieves the phone he forgot to plug in. it's at 16%. he has no new notifications aside from a few emails. the boy sits up with another groan, pausing for a moment to take a deep breath before he slides out of bed.

as he plugs in his phone, tyler goes to check the weather. he has to every morning. it's going to be hot again so he lets out an annoyed whine, wanting more than anything to just crawl back into bed and sleep. but there's no way he's going to miss his psychological diagnoses class. tyler spots a glass of water and some pills on his desk beside a sticky note.

gonna make eggs + bacon in the morning
love, ash

"thank god," tyler whispers, clenching his stomach. he downs the medicine, assuming it's either tylenol or ibuprofen, and chugs the entirety of the water.

tyler pulls together an outfit with his eyes only halfway open the entire time. shorts and t-shirt, again, since it will be hot, again. he can't wait til it cools down in a few weeks. as much as he doesn't want to, tyler finds the strength within him to straighten his sheets in a lame attempt to make his bed. his lips are chapped so he also puts on chapstick and deodorant.

he grabs his phone off the charger. it only charged up to 22%. good enough. the moment he opens his bedroom door, the smell of bacon overcomes him. he fast-walks downstairs, afraid any sudden movements might send him into a fit of nausea, and finds ashley in the kitchen. she's hard at work scrambling some eggs.

"morning," tyler says, gaining her attention.

"oh, ty! good morning. how're you feeling?"

"been better, but not too bad." he grabs a plate, holding it out for her as she scoops the eggs onto it and adds a few pieces of bacon. "thanks."

she hums in response, turning the oven off as she grabs her own plate and joins him at the table. "you got pretty drunk last night, huh?"

"yeah," he chuckles, practically inhaling his breakfast.

"i liked josh. he seemed nice."

tyler slaps his hand over his mouth, somehow having forgot that he spent the entire night with josh. well, more like he wished he forgot. oh gosh. did he say anything embarrassing? did he do anything embarrassing? tyler quickly racks his brain as he attempts to replay all of last night's events, but he can't piece everything together in an exact timeline.

"relax," ashley smiles. "you seemed to be handling yourself pretty well."

tyler just sighs, choosing to believe her although he doubts it. all he does know is that he was able to refrain from regressing last night and he guesses that's the most important thing. although, he does remember that josh was in his room and called his stuffies cute. his face goes red at the thought.

tyler's wrist vibrates. he looks at his watch.

josh 🧸
morning. how are you feeling?

"oh my gosh," tyler says aloud, mouth full of food. ashley raises an eyebrow at him. he totally forgot him and josh exchanged numbers. what was he on last night?? he pulls out his phone and shows ashley.

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