8. boys are confusing

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3892 words

"are you sure you'll be okay tonight?"

tyler blinks at ashley, nodding slowly. "i think so."

he's been teetering back and forth into little space the entire day. josh hasn't left his side other than when he had to walk back to his dorm because he had forgotten his computer charger.

"i really can stay in if you want me to."

"it's okayyyy," tyler urges.

"okay, well, if you need me then just text me. or call if i don't answer. have fun tonight, okay?"

"okay!" the brunette grins. "you have fun, too!"

"i will. brendon and ryan are just at du if you need them."

"i knowwww..."

"okay, sorry, i'll go now. i'll see you later."


ashley reaches out and ruffles his hair before she leaves and shuts the door behind her. tyler's heart starts racing immediately at the thought of now being left alone with josh. he turns on his heels and heads back inside, finding josh enthralled by some show on tv.

"ashley left," he says softly, blushing a deep red as josh's head turns towards him.

"well, what does tyler want to do tonight?"

said boy grins and joins him on the couch, picking his feet up and resting them in josh's lap. "i dunno. what does josh want to do tonight?"

"i don't know," he echoes. "we could have a movie marathon."


"but what should we watch?"

"hmmm..." tyler frowns, his eyes wandering while he racks his brain for possible movie series they can watch. "frozen has two movies."

"frozen does have two movies. i don't know if that'd be considered a marathon, though."


"but we can watch them if that's what you're feeling."

"i like those movies," tyler gushes, smiling nervously.

"i've honestly only ever seen the first, so i'd be down for that."

tyler gasps in disbelief.

"yeah, i know. but hey, now i get to watch frozen two with you for the first time."


"should we make popcorn?" josh suggests.


"yeah, we could do that. do you guys have stuff to make cookies?"


"let's go check."

tyler follows josh into the kitchen and the two start searching through the cupboards. they find a lot of the ingredients they'd need but lack a few important ones.

"well, i could drive us to the store. we could just get pre-made dough so we don't have to worry about it. what do you think?"

"hmm... i think that's fine."

"cool," josh smiles. "my car's parked in the leopard parking deck so it's not too far."


"mkay," josh repeats, laughing when tyler sticks his tongue out at him.

tyler makes sure to bring a house key with him and, after locking the door behind them, the two begin the walk to josh's car. the younger is just happy to be within josh's company and he's also curious to see what kind of car josh drives. vehicles reveal a lot about a person. the color, the type, if it's decorated at all, if there's an air freshener, how clean it is... these are all things tyler is curious to learn about josh.

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