16. love language

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4072 words

tyler recovers quickly from his mysterious frat-induced illness. he's thankful, too, because the friday that he happens to feel back to his normal, healthy self is the same day as ashley's birthday. all week they've been planning on going downtown for dinner and throwing a small party, as per ashley's request. he doesn't really feel up to drinking and partying since he just got over what was seemingly caused from his previous night out, but he's forcing himself to go for ashley's sake. she's his best friend, after all.

he voices this to josh as they're on their walk home from the gym. being that it's the end of september, the temperature has started to cool off a bit as the hot sun no longer blazes down with fury. tyler is wearing the oversized blink-182 hoodie that he begged josh to let him borrow. he plans on keeping it for the week until it loses josh's scent and then asking for a different one.

josh, having just finished a workout, is still clad in his gym shorts and a damp band tee. his skin is covered in a thin layer of sweat, evident from the way a few curls stick to his forehead and his clammy hand around tyler's. the latter would never complain, though. he'd happily hold josh's hand no matter how hot and sweaty. plus, josh looks really cute with his flushed cheeks and messy hair.

"i don't want to ruin ashley's birthday," tyler sighs, lifting his gaze to look at josh for only a moment before dropping his eyes back to the ground in front of him.

"don't be silly," josh says, swinging their arms lightly. "you're not ruining anything, honey. if you don't want to drink, then we won't. if you don't want to spend your whole time downstairs around a bunch of drunk people, then we won't. ashley will understand."

"but am i ruining your night, then?" the younger frowns, carefully avoiding the cracks on the pavement below him.

"what makes you think that?"

"because... i don't know. you don't have to not drink just because i'm not, and if i decide to go upstairs you don't have to come with me. i feel bad."

"ty, you're too sweet," josh chuckles, lifting the boy's hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. "there's nothing to feel bad for. i'm happy as long as i'm with you."

tyler's cheeks grow hot, unable to fight the smile working its way to his face. josh always says the nicest things to him; he isn't even sure what he did to deserve it. "okay. if you say so."

"i do, and ashley won't care either," josh states matter-of-factly before switching the subject, "did you end up catching up on the homework you missed when you were sick?"

"most of it," tyler nods, feeling josh's eyes on him. he admits, "i've been a little distracted."

"with what?"

"looking at halloween costumes," he mumbles, shooting a glance at josh to find him smiling amusedly.

"halloween is over a month away still, dear. you really need to focus on your work."

"i know!" he exclaims, "but... can we wear matching costumes?"

josh laughs, "of course! i thought that was a given."

"and can we do one silly costume and one cute costume?" tyler continues. when josh raises an eyebrow he explains, "we have to have a different costume for friday and saturday night, obviously."

"oh, right, obviously," josh grins. "yeah, we can do that. do you have any ideas in mind?"

"a couple, but it's easier if i just show you. can i?" he asks, squeezing josh's hand in excitement.

"of course, baby, but after i shower. think you can wait that long?"

"no!" tyler groans, fighting the urge to grin. "i'm going to explode and die if i have to wait."

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