15. cold food

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3356 words

only a few days after the party, tyler wakes up feeling extremely ill.

he has an unbearable sore throat that only worsens with each swallow, his nose is so stuffy he can't even breathe through it, and his body is covered in a thin layer of cool sweat. tears immediately pool in his eyes at the realization that he's gotten sick.

reaching over to grab his phone off the nightstand, he realizes he forgot to plug it in to charge last night. it's only at 24%. with a sigh, he rolls to face the wall and starts drafting emails to inform his professors that he will be missing class today. once those are sent, he checks his messages to find texts from josh.

josh 🧸
good morning baby boy!! hope you had super sweet dreams

can't wait to see you for lunch today <3

tyler smiles at the messages but is interrupted by a coughing fit, each wheeze only exacerbating his already sore throat. when he calms down, he rolls to his other side in an attempt to get more comfortable. it feels impossible.

i'm sick ... :(

he also sends a message to ashley, knowing she hasn't left for class yet.

ashhhyyy :( sick

bring me water pls?

less than a minute later, there's a knock at his door. he yells for ashley to come in, offering a sad smile as she frowns at him.

"here, ty," she says, offering the cup of water.

he accepts it gratefully, carefully sipping the cold liquid. it does little to each the ache in his throat. his watch buzzes with a message from josh.

josh 🧸
oh no!! :( what's wrong?

everything :(( throat, nose, head

can't go to class


ashley places the back of her hand to his forehead, brows knitted in concern. "you're burning up. guess frat flu got to you, huh?"

tyler just groans in response, feeling some relief at the cool touch. his watch vibrates again.

josh 🧸
my poor baby :(

i'm leaving class ok?

i'll be there in a few mins

nooo! don't leave class!

josh 🧸
too late omw already

"i'll skip class," ashley offers, "and i made breakfast if you're hungry."

tyler shakes his head. "I'm not hungry, and it's okay; josh is already on his way over."

she smiles, ruffling his bedhead. "no surprise there. i'll at least get you some medicine before i go."

she steps out of the room, returning a minute later with a plethora of items: tissues, cough drops, dayquil, you name it. despite his best protests, she makes tyler drink the gross medicine and chuckles at the way it makes his face contort in disgust.

"that should help with your fever," she states matter-of-factly.

a loud knock resounds from downstairs, making tyler light up. "it's josh!"

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