10. ripping off the bandaid

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4951 words

TW: descriptions of sexual assault


"i know," tyler nods.

he has just finished telling ashley everything that unfolded with josh, including their phone conversation from a few days prior. they haven't seen each other much (besides when josh would join them for lunch) since then, mainly just because josh has started to get swamped with work. he sips juice out of the colorful bendy straw inserted in the cup before him.

ashley decided to bring him out to dinner at his favorite restaurant—cheesecake factory. she keeps a stash of bendy straws in her purse for times like these. tyler has barely touched his plate because he's been so busy talking.

"so he likes you."

"i guess so."

tyler's face grows hot at the thought.

"and what are you gonna do about it?"

"i'm not sure," he admits.

"well... what do you want?"

tyler shrugs, taking a bite of his dinner. "i really like him. i don't know what to do."

"i think you just have to be honest with him. what's the worst that could happen?"

he gulps. he could think of quite a few things. "he hates me, he makes fun of me, he tells other people, it ruins our friendship, you know..."

"tyler!" ashley chuckles. "knowing josh, i seriously doubt any of that would be the case. i think the worst that could happen is he has no idea what you're talking about and then you have to manage the awkwardness of explaining the situation and then teaching him to be what you need."

"i don't want to do that," tyler groans. "what's the best case scenario?"

"best case scenario is that he knows what little space is and is cool with it. not sure how likely it is that he's heard of it before, though. he looked confused as hell over the juice incident."

tyler whines. "why can't i just be normal?"

"shut up," ashley rolls her eyes. "nobody is normal. i'm sure josh has secrets that make him weird, too."

"he likes to watch minecraft," tyler informs her.


"but i like it too!"

"then you're just as weird as he is," she teases, laughing as he sticks his tongue out at her. "but seriously, it'll be fine."

"i don't want him to look at me any differently, though... i don't want him to think i'm a freak."

"tyler," ashley sighs, "he will not think you're a freak."

"i don't know. i can't tell him. i'm not ready."

"you can't keep him waiting forever."

"i know that, i just... i can't yet, ashley. i'm too chicken."

she reaches across the table and grabs his hand.

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