the proposal

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UNDER THE neon glow, they stepped into the club, a quartet of friends ready to let loose. The bass thumped in their chests, a rhythm that matched their excited heartbeats.

They moved as one, weaving through the crowd, laughter bubbling from their lips. Their eyes sparkled brighter than the disco lights, their smiles infectious.

They were there to have a good time, and nothing was going to stand in their way. The club was their playground, and they were ready to play. That was until...

Abigail's eyes were drawn to a familiar figure across the room. It was him, her ex, and he wasn't alone.

Standing beside him was another face she recognized - Jack's ex. Their laughter echoed over the music, a sight that was as surprising and unsettling.

The neon lights of the club flickered, casting an eerie glow on their faces. She could see the easy camaraderie between them, a painful reminder of what she once shared with him.

She watched as they moved in sync to the beat, their bodies close, their smiles brighter than the disco lights above.

She felt a lump in her throat, a mix of regret and surprise. She had come to the club to forget, to lose herself in the music and the crowd.

But seeing them together, it was like a punch to the gut, a stark reminder of her past.

She turned away, her heart pounding in her chest. She needed a moment, a breather. But as she moved through the crowd, she couldn't shake off the image of them together.

It was a sight she hadn't expected, a twist she hadn't seen coming. Abigail pulled her phone out clicking on the instagram icon and pressing Jack's name.



Jack they are here

Who's there?

My ex and your ex

What do you mean?

They are here very
much close and together!!

What the fuckkkkkk

This is so fucking wrong

Are you fucking joking?

Please say this is a joke

I fucking wish it was Jack

I hate him

Well let's get back at them

How do we do that?

Let's fake date.

Abigail read the message over and over, but before being able to reply Megan pulled her to dance.

'Is that not your ex?' Fern subtly pointed out as she danced with her friends.

'Yeah he's here with Jack's ex.' Abigail thought back to the message Jack had sent.

'Shut up you're joking?' Kayleigh's jaw dropped.... literally. Gobsmacked at the random coupling of her best friends ex.

'I wish i was.' Abigail sighed stealing a quick glance at them which she instantly regretted.

Abigail's heart pounded as she saw them - her ex and Jack's ex - lost in each other.

Their lips met in a kiss that echoed in her chest like a gong. The sight was a slap, raw and stinging. Anger flared in her, hot and fierce, mixing with a hurt that cut deep.

She felt betrayed, her heart breaking all over again. The laughter, the dancing, all faded into the background. All she could see was them, and all she could feel was a storm of hurt and anger.



Let's fake date

I'm in.


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ooooo the plan is in action!!!!!

FAKE LOVE| JACK GREALISHWhere stories live. Discover now