Chapter 25

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Zee pov
I arrive at Nhu's place early in the morning, hoping to catch him before he goes to work. I'm nervous as I knock on the door, remembering how he used to tell me to just come in anytime. At times I would not knock and just came in. He didn't mind me being there, he even liked it. But things have changed since then. He opens the door and I see him wearing my hoodie. The one I thought I had lost. He looks at me and quickly closes the door. I feel a surge of pain in my chest. He doesn't want to see me anymore. I turn around and start walking away, but then I hear the door open again. This time, he has changed into a different hoodie and pulled the hood over his face, hiding everything but his eyes. He gestures for me to come in with his hand. I follow him into his apartment. It looks different too. He has bought new furniture and rearranged everything. His small couch was no longer there.

I sit down on one of the stools at his kitchen island and he hands me a glass of water. I didn't ask for one but I accept it gratefully. He sits across from me, keeping some distance. It feels strange. Before, he would always cuddle up to me or sit on my lap. I think about how I met him when he was just 22 and how he's going to be 23 soon. Time can be so unfair. "How are you doing, nhu?" I ask him, trying to sound calm. He lowers his head and shrugs. "Fine," he mumbles, but his hoodie covers his mouth and I can barely hear him. I pull the hood off his face and gasp at the bruises on his neck.

I grab his chin and tilted his face up
inspecting it for any more signs of injury. I saw a faint bruise on his cheekbone making my blood boil. "who did this to you, nhu?" I demanded, in a low voice daring him to lie to me.

He flinched and tried to pull away from me.
"It's nothing, just a little accident. I bumped into the door this morning." He says expecting me to believe him. "Don't lie to me, did the door also strangle you? I know you're not that clumsy. Someone hurt you, and I want to know who."

He shakes his head and looks away. "Please, don't make a big deal out of this. It's not worth it."

. "Not worth it? You're my angel , damn it! You're the most precious thing in my life! And someone dared to lay a hand on you? They're going to pay for this, I swear."

I reach for my phone in my pocket, ready to call some men I know to investigate what happened at the award show. I want to find the bastard who hurt my angel . I didn't care who it was or why they did it. I only cared about making them suffer. I had a feeling it was Anna so I needed enough evidence to hold this against her and make her leave nhu and I alone forever.

Nhu pov

I had a rough day and decided to skip all my rehearsals. I just wanted to stay home and chill. My manager was understanding  . He said I deserved a break. I was about to watch some Netflix when I heard someone knocking on my door. I thought it was my choreographer who came to teach me some moves privately. But when I opened the door, I saw hia. He was standing there, looking gorgeous. He smiled when he saw me, but then his eyes widened. He noticed the hoodie I was wearing. It was his hoodie. The one I stole from him in Korea . I felt a surge of panic and slammed the door in his face. I quickly changed into another hoodie and pulled it over my head to hide last night's bruises, leaving only my eyes visible. I opened the door again and saw him about to leave. He looked hopeful and gave me a small smile. I gestured for him to come in and he followed me inside. I went to kitchen to calm my nerves down he unexpectedly followed me and sat down in one of the kitchen island stools. I played off by pouring him a glass of water. He never asked for it but he gratefully took it and took a sip.

He wanted to know how I was feeling, but I had my hoodie on and it muffled my voice when I said 'fine'. So I just gave him a shrug instead. He didn't seem to appreciate that, because he reached over and yanked my hood off my head. My heart starts beating fast beacuse he now sees the bruises on my neck. His eyes darken. I have never seen him this mad. I start to get scared. He grips my chin and tilts it his eyes scanning my face. His grip tightens when he sees the scratch on my cheek bone. Hid grip doesn't hurt though.

"who did this to you, nhu?" he asks in such a deep dark voice that I feel the vibration of his base in my 'core' and have to resist the urge to pounce on him.

So I pull myself back but his hold on me was strong. I try to lie to him about bumping a door but it sounded stupid because how would hitting a door give me a cheek scratch and strangle marks? He obviously doesn't buy and this makes him more upset.

I try to calm him down and tell him it's not a big deal. I don't want the media to find out about this and make a scandal out of it. We,especially I already have enough problems with the public and the press. I can't risk losing my reputation or my career over this. I hope he understands and agrees with me. It's not worth it.
"Not worth it? You're my angel , damn it! You're the most precious thing in my life! And someone dared to lay a hand on you? They're going to pay for this, I swear." he says. I can't help but blush and try hard to hide it. He called me his angel and precious.

He reaches for his phone makes a call while stroking my head. I wrap my hands around his waist and close my eyes. I'm going to tell him everything.

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