Chapter 3

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Akali's day was going about as well as she had hoped. She has her own little spot in the alleyway, safe from any others. mornings found her up early and finding food, then writing down more raps happily. then she would spend the afternoon, which has the most foot traffic, gettin money from people on the street.then it was tie to find dinner and go to bed, starting all over again the next day. She had been on the streets for almost a month now and she had, unfortunately, fallen into the routine and like the way her life was right now. her only mistake was getting to comfortable in her new routine and little spot in the alley.

The day started off normal enough, if not abit Gloomier than normal, but Akali wasn't about to let a little rain ruin it for her. after doing a quick breakfast run, she returned to the alley just as it started raining, Hard. she groaned and ran for the closest roof covering and curled up underneath it the best she could. she could still feel the rain landing on her and she realized that she'd probably get sick regardless. As quickly as the rain started it stopped and Akali was able to step out of the covering and back to her own spot.

She immediately started building somewhat of a cover out of Trashcans and Cardboard. with that done, at it already nearing noon she set up on her corner and started trying to get a little money. No use, the Rain started up again in a light drizzle as she started, scaring away ost of the people to indoors, she got less than what she usually earns doing this but she didn't let that dapen her mood yet. she just packed up and returned her her little shelter o get out of the rain and wait for nightfall so she can get her dinner, deciding to forgo Lunch in this weather.

Nightfall came, and although it was still raining, Akali forced herself out of the shelter to go get food. the only people out right now was drunks, which put Akali on edge immediately. they where bad news and often she had to fight one or two away from her shelter, even to protect her money when they tried that. now some of them stayed away, while most just roughed her up never going to far, but enough for wounds to leave a scar, or permanente marks.

She had learned that when a drunk cornered her, Screaming didn't help in the slightest. the most anyone would do was shoot the drunk a dirty glare, having them back off a few steps, then when the person left, the beating was worse. So Akali learned to bite her tongue. she just laid there, stifling small cries. she mange to pull herself together to drag herself up and limp out of the alley heading straight back to her small Shelter. She knew that despite their tauntings, the wouldn't mess with her home, not when she fought so had to keep it.

she just flopped inside and curled up hiding away from the rest of the world in her only safe spot, curled in one corner her back and left side covered and safe. she stayed up late that night finally letting the stress of the last month or so wash over her in a mess of tears, soft yelling, and punches.

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