Chapter 4

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It had been a few weeks and Akali hasn't moved from her spot. as it was nearing winter, it had been raining non stop, though the rain wasn't the only reason Akali hasn't moved. She was scared the guys would come back and attack her all over again. She hadn't eaten in a a week since the incident, with the drunks wandering around. when she did have enough courage to venture out it had only been for a few short trips to her corner to continue with her streak.

In the house of K/DA, the members could be seen sitting at the table. Ahri's ears were dropping down, as she had just woken up, her tails lazily swaying from side to side. She was watching youtube scrolling down her feed and clicking on whatever she found interesting. evelynn was more alert than ahri, though her hair was brushed, the only sign of her restless sleep. she was also on her phone scrolling through her Instagram feed, occianly liking a random post or comment. The long legged dancer of the group was dancing around the kitchen picking up ingredients and swiftly getting them breakfast. she was humming along to a random song as she moved around.

soon enough plates full of food were set in front of the two vocalists, who thanked the dancer and started eating immediately. a sudden ding of her phone alerted Ahri of a notification. "whats that Ahri?" KaiSa said softly curios of the notification. "oh its a street artist someone had been recording on Insta. started her a page and everything. Looks like another Video.." Ahri clicked on it and the sounds of rapping filled the now quiet Kitchen. drawn in by the voice both Evelynn and Kai'sa drew closer. Kai'sa studied the young rapper impressed by the Young girls skill. upo looking closer, and despite the low quality, she could see the rapper was skinnier than her height should suggest, bruises and cuts of various degrees of healed could be seen along the little of what could be seen on the rappers body.

This worried Kai'sa greatly, and by the looks of it Ahri and Evelyn too. "whew.. she looks worst for wear.." evelynn said, giving a ow whistle. "yea.. in every video it gets worse and worse.. i've been trying to pin the location, however the poster doesn't say where the rapper is, doesn't even show the street signs." Ahri said, worry clear in her voce. "We have to try and find her... she could be a good asset to the group, and if shes having problems we can help her." evelynn said looking between the two. The dancer and leader of K/DA both nod then turn their attention to the page, studying each video for any sign of where the rapper could be found.

the very first video showed a healthy version of the rapper, healthy weight and minun bruises, however with each video up until the most recent it had gotten worse and worse. the only thing the group had to go off of was a graffiti piece of the wall behind her, showing what seemed to be the name of said rapper. thy then all piled into evelyn's car and sped off determined to find the rapper. they started with the town closets to them and studied everything for any sign.

towards the end of the day, as the sun started to set, They found the graffitied wall that showed the name of the rapper, however held no sign of said rapper. Once evelynn parked they split up scanning every alleyway and building for the young rapper. As Night fell, only the streetlamps to light her way, kai'sa turned around to meet the other two at the car when she heard shouts. against her better judgement she followed them to a dark alleyway as she got closer she could hear sounds of a fight, grunts and whimpers of pain coming from 3 figures. 2 of the figures, seeming to be male, had the 3 pinned and was punching them, hard. the 3 one, from the cries of pain, seemingly female, was trying to struggle free to no advil.

Kai'sa growled softly and fished for her phone, flipping the flashlight on and shining it into the Alleyway screaming "Police! STOP RIGHT NOW!" it had the desired effect as the two males dropped the third and ran off into the night. kai'sa moved closer to the figure on the floor, still whimpering from the pain. as she shone the light on the body she realized it was the rapper. her stomach was heaving, bleeding deeply from a wound at her side, and heavy bruising on her exposed stomach and arms. jagged red handprints were covering the young rappers neck.

she seemed to be on the brink of passing out so kai'sa dropped hr phone and peeled off her jacket to wrap the young rapper in, before picking her up gently. quickly grabbing her phone, she ran off towards the car. when Ahri and Evelyn saw her, they bolted into action, evelynn jumping into the ca and starting it while Ahri opened the side door for the dancer. once she was settled Ahri jumped in herself and Evelynn bottled off racing for the nearest hospital.

"who is this Kai?" Ahri said worry clear in her tone. "the rapper we were looking for." she said shortly trying to help the whimpering girl in her arms. ahri's eyes grew wide, and she turned her attention to the young girl in Kai'sa's arms. "wait what..?! what happened to her?!" "im not sure... i found her in a alley, two males beating her... how close are we Eve?" eve turned to face her "almost there.. god were they trying to kill her?!" Kai'sa could only shrug.

as soon as they got to the hospital Kai'sa didn't wait for the car to fully stop, just jumped out and raced in calling for help. nurses came in with a sketcher, and as soon as the dancer put the rappers body down, wheeled her off into the ER. evelynn and Ahri soon walked in to find a broken looking kai'sa sitting in one of the chairs staring worriedly down at the floor. they joined the young dancer ,one on each side, and gave their silent support while they waited for news on the young girl they found.

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