chapter 7

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as the house settled in for the night Ahri cornered Evelynn. as they wer both older than Kai'sa, she though Evelynn would be easier to talk to bout this than kai'sa. "eve wait, need to talk to you about something..?" "yea? whats this about foxy?" eve said leaning agaisnt the door turning her attention on the leader. "i think her mother.. or the dojo.. hurt Akali.. when i showed her he room, she said that it was bigger than her one at the dojo... then asked about rules..."

evelynn raised a eyebrow slightly concerned but not showing it fully. "well we will just need to keep a close eye on her okay? if her family did bully her then we can help her the best we can foxy. for now lets head to bed mk?" Ahri just nodded before she moved to her own room, closing the door. evelynn just shook her head and went into her own room. the next morning had Akali up way to early. in her eyes she woke up to late and was frantically moving around the, very spacious room, finally taking in where she was she froze. taking a deep breath she exits her room and hesitantly looks down the halls.

most of the doors down the hallway were closed, however one was still opened and despite the early morning, light could be seen. feeling like a child Akali walked to the door and peeked in to see a already dressed Ahri at her desk typing away on her computer. akali wasn't sure how to gain the leaders attention, but she didn't have to worry for long. Ahri took that chance to look up and saw the young rapper at her door. Ahri smiled gently and turned in her seat. "good morning Akali! good to see another early riser, though Kai'sa wakes up pretty early to start cooking."

"hhi Ahri.. didn't know you guys woke so early.. we had to start training around this time, or had to clean the dojo. what are you doing?" Akali said moving inside the room, as Ahri responded. "you had to clean the dojo if you missed training? that sounds harsh.. and im working on a few things for my business and booking our times at the studio later on." She smiled seeing the rapper come inside and turned off her computer standing up. "it wasn't as bad as it sounds, if you get the punishment enough it becomes easy. Foxy Cosmetics right? i've seen a few ads for it but we weren't allowed makeup or anything like that." she let herself be guided out of the room and down the stairs, where the smell of breakfast wafted to them.

"ooooo BACON!" Akali yelled bolting happily down the rest of the stairs and to the kitchen, the laughs of Ahri following her. she entered the kitchen and saw Kai'sa with plates of food on the counter, and cooking eggs and bacon. she moved closer and smiled happily taking a bacon off the plate much to the huff of Kai'sa. "morning!" she said around the mouthful of bacon. "good morning little rapper! i see you like bacon haha." akali nodded happily. "its sooo goood! we would get bacon once every few months! so i would eat as many as i could!" she steals another and avoids a whack with the spatula, a flash of fear in her eyes, but giggles softly.

"well save some for the rest of us missy!" Ahri said from the doorway, watching the exchange with a small smile. "Nuuuuuu baconnnnnnnnn" Akali said dramtacl, smiling wide when the other two laughed. "what is all the noise down here?" evelynn said just entering the kitchen and looking between the girls. "our little rapper is a jokester haha." Ahri said at the same time Kai'sa yelled "i swear akali enough with the bacon stealing! you can wait a second haha" akali flinched at the yell and backed away from the dancer. Ahri and evelynn shared a look before ahri stepped forward. "cmon Akali lets go watch same tv yea?" she smiled at Akalis nod, no doubt the rapper wanted to get away for a second.

As ahri led the rapper away evelynn turned to kai'sa. "i-i didn't mean to frighten her.. it was all in good fun i swear..." "ts okay darling, Ahri said she may have some... trama from the dojo.. so we need to watch over her and help her." Ahri nodded still worried. "i sersouslty didnt mean to scare her.. yelling is off the table then." eveylnn nods, bringing Kai'sa into a hug. "it okay Kai'sa, we are still learning. cmon lets get breakfast finished." the dancer nodded and as she finihsed coking, Evelynn set out the plates for them. a few minutes later and eveylnn walked to the living room to tell the two breakfast is ready. Akali seemed back into her happy mood, bascially running for the dining room where she then started a conversation with the dancer, the two older members could hear their conversation slightly.

Breakfast was a caohtic affair, with Akali and Kai'sa fighting over the bacon plate. once they were done and cleaned up the kitchen the members all sat infront fo the Tv relaxing. well the others were, Akali was writing down lyrics for raps for the futrue humming softly. she was excited to see where this road would take her.

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