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As it was sunday so our lovely couple decided to spend time together....

Jimin : Baby....

Yoongi : Yes....

Jimin : As it's sunday why don't we go out and spend some time together??

Yoongi : Umm.... Why not....

Jimin : That's perfect then!!
So where do u wanna go my pretty wifey????

Yoongi : Wherever u take me!!

Jimin : A dinner date?

Yoongi : Okay dear hubby!!

Jimin : But first give me a kiss na....
Please *Puppy eyes*

Yoongi : I have work to do....
*About to go but was backhugged*

Jimin : Baby please I'm craving for those plumpy and soft lips....

Yoongi : Is it??😏

Jimin : Yes baby😏
Now give mm-mmm *was cut off by yoongi's kiss*

Yoongi : So you like it??

Jimin : Why don't we continue this in our bedroom??

Yoongi : Why not hubby....

Jimin : *Carries yoongi in bridal style without breaking the kiss*.......

Throws him on the bed and hovers over him....

Yoongi : Hubby I'm so hard....

Jimin : Sshhhh.....
Baby I know.....
*Starts peppering yoongi's stomach with kisses which made him moan a mess*....

Yoongi : B--a--b--e I'm c**m*n*g

Jimin : C*** baby don't stop....

Yoongi : Ah--hhh j---mi---n....

Jimin : Scream my name more baby!!!!
And rest all of you know!!!!

Hope you all liked the chapter!!

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