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Yoongi woke up from his deep slumber.......
But he noticed jimin wasn't by his side....
He rubbed his eyes with his tiny fist....
But suddenly....

Jimin came back in the bedroom with a tray of food in his hands....

Jimin : Hey!! You woke up??
*Gave his famous eye smile*

Yoongi : Um yeah....

Jimin : I made your favourite breakfast!!

Yoongi : Woah!! You're the best hubby....
*Gave his gummy smile*

Jimin dramatically gasped and held his chest....
Yoongi panicked thinking his husband is in pain....

Yoongi : Wh-what happened jimin....
Are y-you in pain??
*Tried to stand up holding his big baby bump*

Jimin : B-baby don't stand up!!
I'm just kidding....
But who wouldn't have pain hmm??
Your gummy smile and my poor heartue!! Aww!!

Yoongi : Are you insane??
*In disbelief*
I thought you're in pain but you overdramatic bish!!

Jimin : Okay okay!! I'm sorry princess!!
*Held his ears*

Yoongi : You really have the audacity to joke around like this with your pregnant husband huh??

Sudden mood swings :))
Pregnancy hormones!!....

Jimin : I'm sorry sweetheart I won't do that again forgive your poor hubby!!

Yoongi : I won't melt in your stupid pouty face!! Only I look cute in pout not you!!
*Sassily flipped his hair*

Jimin : Yes only you look cute in whatever you do my wifey!!
*Pulled yoongi close by his waist*

Yoongi : Leave me park jimin!!
Let me brush my teeth and eat breakfast you dumb asshole!! I'm hungry!!
*Blushed and pouted*

Jimin : No cursing love!!
Baby can hear us....

Yoongi : Yeah yeah whatever!!
Now let me go!!
*Tried to free himself from the grip*

Jimin : Let me help you!!
*Picked yoongi in bridal style*

Yoongi : Yahh!! I can walk!!
You could've hold me too....
Instead of carrying....
*Rolled his eyes*

Jimin : Nope!!
When I'm here why do you have to walk sweetie??

Yoongi : Flirty ass!!

Jimin : Only for you darling!!

Jimin helped yoongi to freshen up!!
And also in eating the breakfast....
They were being romantic the whole day more like yoongi being adorable and jimin being whipped.......

Jimin was making lunch but suddenly he heard a scream which didn't take time for him to recognise.......

It was none other than his husband.......

Jimin hurriedly came to living room where yoongi was sitting....
He got terrified seeing yoongi....

Yoongi was screaming in pure discomfort as it was labor time.......
His lower bottom was totally wet....

Jimin quickly held yoongi....

Jimin : B-baby I'm here....
Wh-what happened????
Why is it wet??

Yoongi : Ji-jimin.... Aa-aahh....
M-my water broke.......
*He held his bump*

Jimin : Wa-water??
*Sweating badly*

Yoongi held jimin's collar frustratedly!!

Yoongi : Idiot!! Dumbshit!!
Call the ambulance fast!!!!
Before I give birth here itself!!
*Whimpered in extreme pain*

Poor jiminie pabo :))

Jimin : Yes!! I'm calling baby!!
Hold on please just few mins!!
*He dialled the number with shaky hands*

After all the chaos finally ambulance arrived.......

They reached the hospital.......
Yoongi was put on the stretcher....
Jimin gripped his hands tightly....

Paramedics told jimin to leave yoongi's hand but he was reluctant!!
Agitated and worried.....
A nurse came....

Nurse : Mr please leave his hands so that we can operate him....
Otherwise it will be late and he'll suffer more!!

Jimin looked at yoongi....

Yoongi : N-nothing will happen to us jiminie....
You're here right??
*Tried his best to remain conscious*

Jimin : Y-yes I'm here my love!!
I promise I won't leave!!
*Pecked yoongi's forehead*

Yoongi : I-I love y-you.......
*Smiled through difficulty*

Jimin : I-I love you more my world!!
Be strong for me!!
*On the verge of breakdown*

They took yoongi away and jimin plopped down the wall and chanted be okay be strong for me like a mantra!!!!
He got a call....
It was Jungkook.......

He didn't have the energy to receive the call but still he did....

Kook : Hyung!! I called yoongi hyungie so many times he didn't pick up....

Jimin : We are at the hospital kook!!
He's in the O.T!!

Kook : Huh!! Wh-what??
*Shocked by the sudden information*
Wait we are coming hyung!!
Don't take too much stress okay?? We'll be there asap!!

Hope you all liked the chapter!!

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