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Yoongi Pov :

As soon as I reached home i threw everything and lied down in our bed....
I felt so hurt and angry.......
But did I overreact????
Everyone gets possessive towards his/her husband or wife isn't it????
Jimin should have told me before about his so called secretary!!!!!!!!!!
Who knows maybe she does black magic on my husband stupid bitch....
But jimin should've taken my side right?
I'm going crazy!!!!!!!
*He hid his face in the pillow*

Jimin Pov :

I took a fresh bouquet of lillies and some pastries!!!!!!!
I know he's gonna be very angry but....
*It's my fault tho*
Why am I so dumb??????????
I have to cheer him up and make him understand.......
I reached home and quickly unlocked the door and ran upstairs!!!!

Jimin : Love????

Yoongi : *He heard but pretended to sleep*

Jimin : Is my baby angry hmm????

Yoongi : *No reply*

Jimin : My pretty baby.......
Stop hiding under the blanket you look like a little kitten hiding from owner.......
*Laughed a little*

Yoongi : Tf???? Don't compare me to a cat or something!!!!!!!
I'm a human , no the prettiest human in the universe fucking park jimin!!!!!!!

Jimin : Aww look how cute you're being angry!!!!
My heart will burst now!!!!!!!
*Pinching yoongi's cheeks*

Yoongi : Stop your cheesy words!!!!
I'm not gonna melt in that!!!!!!!
*Crossing his arms over his chest*

Jimin : Look what I bought!!!!

Yoongi : *Instantly got melt*

Jimin : Now eat these pastries.......
And a pretty bouquet for my pretty husband!!!!

Yoongi : Yes why not!!
*Quickly started to eat*

Jimin : You're still a baby!!!!
You eat in such a clumsy way.......
But don't worry I'm here to clean your mouth!!!! *Smirked*

Yoongi : *Gulped*
Stop this nonsense atleast lemme eat peacefully without choking!!!!!!!

Jimin : Why????
I just said I'll clean.........

Yoongi : Fuc---
*Stood up from the bed*

Jimin : Sshhhh!!!! Don't curse love.......
*Put his finger in yoongi's lips*

Yoongi : I will curse as much as I want!!

Jimin : *Pinned him against the wall*
Stop it baby or you're gonna regret it!!!!

Yoongi : Go to your secretary!!!!
She must be waiting with her coffee!!!!
*In a sarcastic tone*

Jimin : Again that topic????
Just forget about her coz i already fired her my love!!!!!!!
*Started to give him wet kisses on neck*

Yoongi : Wha- ahh-ji-jimin

Jimin : Just enjoy the moment love.......
*Gave him more kisses*

Yoongi : Ngh- st-sto-stop.......
Ahh jimin you're making me hard.......

Jimin : Moan more baby!!!!!!!
I like it so much when you moan my name it's like a bliss for me..........

Yoongi : Ahh---- fuck me daddy!!!!

Jimin : You sure princess????

Yoongi : More than sure.......

Jimin : *Carried yoongi gently and laid him down in the bed*

Yoongi : Hu-hubby fuck me!!
I need you inside me.......

Jimin : You're so needy hmm?????

Yoongi : Yes I am daddy!!!!

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