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It was afternoon time.......
Yoongi was making kimchi stew for his husband as he loves it.......
Not only that but he prepared many other dishes and made a whole lunch box.......
He loves to make food by himself rather than telling the maids to do it as jimin was very fond of his cooking.......
He was thinking about going to jimin's office and surprise him with the lunch....
He got ready and wore oversized shirt which was revealing his collar bones and made him look more sexy and a pair of skinny jeans that showed his curves perfectly!! He was looking damn hot.......
He looked in the mirror to do a quick fit check of himself and was satisfied with the look!!
Then he went out and headed towards their car and drove off.......

At office :

Jimin was busy and discussing about a deal with his secretary hyun *the girl's name* as tae didn't come today coz he went to a date with his husband....... Jimin knows how much tae is scared of his double bunny if he denies to go!!!!Same goes to him as he was scared of his precious yoongi too.......

Jimin : This taeeee!!!! I will rip his ass off but what can he do poor baby.......

Hyun : What happened sir????

Jimin : Nothing miss hyun.......

Hyun : Oh you mean your friend????

Jimin : Yes him!!!! Today I had to discuss about the deal with him but he had to go on a date....

Hyun : Oh i can understand....
Poor him *Chuckling*

Jimin : Okay leave it!! Tell me all the details about this project....

Hyun : Sir we can discuss about this later first have a cup of coffee you will feel relaxed....

Jimin : Thankyou!!!! I would like to have it....

Hyun : Yes sir just wait for few mins!!!!
I'll prepare it for you!!
*Btw she knows jimin is married but still she have a crush on him and she never asks about yoongi to jimin coz he will tell a whole book about him she envy yoongi so much*

She was done with making the coffee and was about to give jimin smiling happily thinking she would win his heart by showing care but at the exact moment the door creaked open and yoongi popped with lunch box in his hands.......

Yoongi : Hubby see----

Hyun : Sir your coffee----

Jimin : Yoo-yoongi

Yoongi : Wtf is going on here??

Jimin : Love you are here?? Suddenly??

Hyun : Sir?? Um-h-hello!!!! *Bowed her head*

Yoongi : Who are you and what's your name miss???? *Felt angry and jealous*
And park jimin you are enjoying too much aren't you???? Smiling like a lovesick puppy huh????

Jimin : Love you're taking it in a wrong way.......
She is my secretary!!!!

Hyun : Sir actually it-its he was feeling tired so I told him to have a cup of coffee to relax himself!!!! That's it.......

Yoongi : Which secretary is this????
I never saw her....
Park jimin I swear if you're cheating behind my back then keep in mind that I will burn you alive!!!!
*Alexa play fire by BTS*

Jimin : Baby it's not like that!!!!
Listen to me she was just making coffee for me nothing else!!!!

Hyun : Sir yoongi y-you are taking things in a wr-wrong way.......
*But internally she was smirking making yoongi angry as she was daydreaming of having a chance with jimin*

Yoongi : Mr park don't you have your own hands????
And I asked who are you and what's your name miss secretary not proofs or justifications!!!!
*Got pissed off*

Jimin : Baby!!!! It's too much now you're taking everything in a wrong way!!!!
Why are you so angry????
First listen the whole thing properly then react understood????
And secretaries are for help and work....

Hyun : Sir please don't act like you don't know me I'm hyun who worked for your husband over more than two years!!
You are wrong and didn't know anything and created a big mess just over a cup of coffee!!!!
You are making me feel humiliated!!!!
*In a shouting tone*

Jimin : Miss hyun don't raise your voice at my husband!!!!
And why are you lying??????????
You came few days ago!!!!!!!*Yelled*
*Hyun flinched a bit*

Yoongi : You worked more than two years for my husband????
Stop lying!!!!!!!
And I'm humiliating you miss????
Are you serious????
You have the audacity to raise your voice at me bitch????
I will cut your throat into pieces!!!!!!!
I know your intentions how you're trying to manipulate my husband!!!!
And mr park thanks for proving today that you made me an idiot........
Take this mr park *Kept the lunch box at jimin's table harshly and went away angrily*
Jimin looked at the box and felt terrible of himself thinking how many dishes yoongi prepared just for him and he disappointed his husband!!!!!!!

Jimin : B-babyyy!!!! Wait!!!!
*Was about to run after yoongi but hyun held his hand*

Hyun : Sir let him go.......
He doesn't understand you!!!!
He is so disrespectful he even called me a bitch!!!! *Pouting in a cringe way*
Let's do work together.......
*Happy that yoongi was gone*

Jimin : STFU bitch!!!!
You're fired!!!!
*Ran away*

Hyun : Sir wait!!!!!!!!!!
You can't do that!!!!!!!
*Stomped her feet in anger*

Jimin ran all the way down in his office he didn't care about the how the employees were looking at him.......
His mind was just full of his husband that he misunderstood the situation but yoongi was right tho the secretary was just a manipulator and a bitch ofcourse!!!!
But a girl who came just few days cannot change his love for his husband!!!!
He also felt guilty for not telling yoongi about the secretary.......
He saw that yoongi drove away and he was late to reach!!!!

Jimin : I guess I'm late!!!!
I have to explain him and why do I always make mistakes????
Hope you all liked the chapter!!!!

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