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Time skip to one week.......
Yoonmin were currently packing the stuff as yoongi was getting discharged today....

Jimin : Baby!! Is anything left??
*He was holding their baby*

Yoongi : I guess no....
*He was checking the bags*

A nurse came.......

Nurse : Mr yoongi it's time to breastfeed the baby....

Yoongi : Now??

Nurse : Yes....
You can feed him....
*She bowed and went*

Jimin : Love come here!!
You breastfeed him, I'll check the bag....
*Gave baby to yoongi*

Yoongi started unbuttoning his loose shirt and attached his nipple to the baby's mouth indicating him to drink....
The baby happily sucked his momma's milk....

Yoongi smiled at the sight and pecked his baby....
But he noticed someone staring at his chest....

It was none other than his pervert but handsome husband....
Jimin was drooling....

Yoongi : You pervert!!
What are you looking at??

Jimin : Huh?? N-nothing darling....
*Gave a nervous laugh*

Yoongi : Stop looking at it....
As if you never sucked it....

Jimin : I wanna taste it now....
*Can't control his hormones*

Yoongi : This is a hospital pabo!!
You'll definitely have a taste once we reach home honey!!
Don't be too horny now....

Jimin : Really??

Yoongi : Ayo!! No need to give that dirty smirk Mr park!!
*Rolled his eyes*

Jimin : Sure my sweetcheeks!!

Yoongi : So what should we do after going home?? Any plans??

Jimin : Sweetheart I'm planning to arrange a party of our homecoming and invite everyone....
Also decide our bobaball's name....

Yoongi : Sure!! It's an amazing idea!!
You're excited too right baby??

Their baby boy just looked at them curiously with his cat like eyes and sucked his thumb.......
Yoonmin giggled looking at him....
Hope you all liked the chapter!!

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