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Let's continue to see if yoongi forgave jimin or not :))

Jimin : Yoongi wait....
Listen to me!!!!

Yoongi : What??

Jimin : Um I- actually it-its....

Yoongi : Stop stuttering and tell me quickly I have work to do!!!!

Jimin : Baby its....
Why did kookie came suddenly??
Any problem??

Yoongi : Didn't you hear what he said??
He missed me so he came to meet me!!
Anymore questions????

Jimin : Did you eat????

Yoongi : Yes I did!!!!
*Let's teach him a lesson*

Jimin : You ate????
I-I thought we would eat together....
But it's okay maybe you were hungry!!
*Slightly smiled*

Yoongi : I'm not heartless that I won't keep food for you!!!!
You can reheat and eat....
*Left to their bedroom*

Jimin : *Sneeze*
Oh okay!! I will.......
Is he still angry on me????

Yoongi : *Slightly chuckling himself*
Let's play a bit more!!!!
I will forgive you jimin but not easily!!

Jimin : Baby I'm done!!!!
Let's cuddle!!!!
Ah I'm having a runny nose......
Tae was right I have fever maybe!!!!
*Peeked at yoongi to see if he reacted*

Yoongi : Tissues are there....
Medicines are also there....

Jimin : Baby....

Yoongi : *Pretending to sleep*

Jimin : Baby turn to my side please....

Yoongi : *Didn't reply*

Jimin : Baby!! Love!! Darling!!Sweetheart!! Kitty!! Yoonie!! Wifey!!
My world!! My sassy babe!!
Please look at me....

Yoongi : *Was melting but turned to serious mode again*
Please don't disturb me!!
Let me sleep I'm tired!!
Can't you understand????

Jimin : Love I'm sorry....
I can't sleep without hugging you....
Please look at me....

Yoongi : *Didn't turn*

Jimin : Love look at me once please....

Yoongi : What??
Let me sleep or else I'll go from here!!

Jimin : Okay okay!! I won't disturb you don't go!!!!
*Backhugged him*

Yoongi : *Chuckled to himself*
Even if you hug me don't expect me to turn!!

Jimin : You can sleep backfacing me!!
But please don't go from here!!
I promise I won't disturb!!

Yoongi : Then sleep!!!!

Yoongi Pov :

It was midnight....
But I felt jimin shivering....
He was blabbering something....
Maybe he saw a nightmare????
I turned on the light....
He was sweating so much....
I touched his forehead it was burning....
He was having a fever....

Yoongi : Jimin....

Jimin : Y-yoo-yoongi....
D-do-don't leave me....

Yoongi : I won't leave okay????
Open your eyes....

Jimin : *Slowly opened his eyes*

Yoongi : I'm here....

Jimin : Fo-forgive me please....

Yoongi : Look at me jimin....
We will talk about that later first have medicines....

Jimin : N-no y-you wi-will l-leave me!!!!
You w-won't fo-forgive me!!!!

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