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Jimin Pov :

I woke up with a headache....
It was 9 am in the morning....
I couldn't sleep all night thinking how I will earn forgiveness from my baby??
Will he even forgive me after the harsh words I said??
I went to guestroom quickly to see if he's still sleeping but he wasn't there maybe he woke up early??
Or did he????
No no it can't be he can't leave me right??
He loves me!!!!!!!

Jimin : Baby!! Yoongi!! Love!! Darling!!
*He started shouting*

Yoongi : What the hell.......
Why is he shouting like a mad person early in the morning???? But I won't answer....
Keep shouting Mr park!!
*He whispered to himself*

Jimin : Oh baby you are here!!!!
Why didn't you answer me hmm??
I was going crazy thinking you left....
I'm sorry for yesterday!!!!

Yoongi : *Slowly removes jimin's hand from his waist*....

Jimin : Baby are you mad at me??
I'm sorry!!!! I'm a fool!!!!
Slap me, hit me, but please talk to me!!

Yoongi : *Still didn't say anything*

Jimin : Love please talk to me!!!!
I'm sorry!!!! I know I was very harsh....
I shouldn't have took my stress out on you....... Forgive me!!!!

Yoongi : *Kept silent*

Jimin : Yoongi....
Please talk to me love....
I can't handle your silence....
*Was about to kiss*

Yoongi : *Slightly pushes him away*
I made breakfast it will get cold....

Jimin : Atleast you talked......
Won't you eat with me hmm??

Yoongi : I don't have appetite!!

Jimin : I won't eat if you don't!!

Yoongi : *About to leave*

Jimin : Love wait!! *Held his hand*

Yoongi : *No I can't melt*

Jimin : Baby please let's eat together!!
Let's forget everything!!!!

Yoongi : Forget everything????
You think it's that easy????
Everything is not easy like you think jimin.... Please leave my hand!!
I need some time alone!!
*Removed jimin's hand harshly*

Jimin : Take time as much as you want!!
But talk to me please I can't bear it..........

Yoongi : Can't bear it???? *Chuckle*
What about me then????
You will suddenly change your behaviour like a bipolar and I will forget everything????
Is it a game??

Jimin : Yoo-yoongi listen to me....
It's not like that....
I'm truly sorry love....

Yoongi : Will your sorry fix everything??

Jimin : No....
But tell me what I have to do....
I will do anything to earn your forgiveness!!!!

Yoongi : Nothing is needed jimin.......
Just stay as it is!!!!!!
Leave me alone for sometime.......
*Left to the guest room*

Jimin : Love wait....
I deserve it anyways.......
*Heavily sighed*

After that he got ready for office and ate breakfast so that yoongi won't get worried.......

Jimin : *Knocked on the guestroom*

Yoongi : *Didn't reply*

Jimin : I know you are angry love....
But please forgive me if you can....
I ate what you made coz i don't want to make you worried.......
It was tasty!! Thankyou!!
Don't forget to eat okay????
I'm going to office.......
You can come to our room.......
*He leaned close to the door frame and placed a soft kiss on it imagining as yoongi*
I love you baby!!!!

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