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Yoongi Pov :

I was feeling my head spinning!!!!
I already puked more than three times..
But I again felt like vomiting....
Wtf is wrong with me????
Jimin is at office and I don't wanna disturb him....
Then suddenly I felt my phone vibrating and it was jimin.......

Yoongi : Hey love!!
*Tried not to sound weak*

Jimin : Hey baby!! What are you doing??

Yoongi : Nothing!!
You called at this time??
Aren't you busy baby????

Jimin : No!! I'm always free for you!!

Yoongi : Park jimin you flirty ass hooman stop smirking!!!!

Jimin : Huh??
How did you know I am smirking????
Are you perhaps watching me????

Yoongi : I'm not a creep to watch or stalk you fool....
I'm your husband!!!!
I know each and every small detail about you understood??

Jimin : I see you're my pretty and smart husband????
No pretty and smart wifeyyyy!!

Yoongi : Okay okay stop flirting and tell me why did you call at this time????

Jimin : Why can't I call my husband????

Yoongi : It's not like that *Sigh*

Jimin : Baby what happened????
Are you okay hmm??
Why do you sound so tired??
*In a worried tone*

Yoongi : *Nervous* Um-no.....
I'm all okay love....
Tired?? Me?? No....

Jimin : That's good then!!
You're not lying right????
Are you really okay????
*Still not satisfied with yoongi's reply*

Yoongi : I told you na!!
I'm okay baby understood????
Now tell me what's the reason of calling????

Jimin : If you say so love!!
The reason is a bit special tho....

Yoongi : Special????
*Got excited and happy*

Jimin : Yes baby!!!!
Hobi called me and told he held a party for all of us and his boyfriend will join us too!!
So be ready okay?? I'll pick you up....

Yoongi : Really????
Okay I'll be ready!!!!
Can you tell me the time??

Jimin : My work is almost done!!
So I'll be heading home now!!
I'll pick you up then we will go....

Yoongi : Okay!! I'll be waiting....

Jimin : Okay baby!! Bye....
Love you sweetheart....

Yoongi : Love you too baby!!

After getting ready for almost one hour he heard a car horn....
He knew it was jimin....
Yoongi looked through the window and signalled him to wait for two mins and jimin showed him a thumbs up....

Yoongi : Okay I'm ready let's go!!
*Locked the door and went out*

Jimin : Baby!! You look fucking gorgeous!!

Yoongi : Stop drooling over me!!
You can compliment later mr park....
We are already late let's go!!

Jimin : Yeah let's go!!

Meanwhile in car :

Yoongi : Btw where's the place??
Is i-it too far?? *Asked hesitantly*

Jimin : No baby!! It's not that far....
You never ask me about this....
What happened today??
You always get happy while travelling....

Yoongi : Um it's nothing just asked....
*He asked coz he was feeling a bit nauseous by the smell of car ac*

Jimin : Love you're acting strange today!!
You aren't hiding anything from me right????
Please tell me darling....
*Held yoongi's hand*

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