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Jimin Pov :

We reached the hospital and they took yoongi away.......
The doctors are checking him.......
I don't know what happened suddenly and why he fainted....
I hope nothing is wrong with my love....
It's my fault!! I should've taken care of him and this wouldn't have happened....
I felt a shoulder, it was taehyung....
They all were here....

Tae : Don't worry!! They are checking him okay??

Kookie : Jimin hyung....
Nothing will happen trust me....

Jin : I don't want to disappoint you but we can't do anything more rather than praying okay?? Have faith jimin....

Joon : Yes jimin....
You have to be strong for him!!

Hobi : They're right....

Crush : Yes jimin....
Trust in god and everything will be fine!!

Jimin just hummed in response..........
Soon the doctor came out.......

Jimin : Do-doctor is my husband okay??
*Worried as hell*

Doctor : *Smiled* Yes mr park.......
I have a good news for you....

Jimin : Wh-what....
G-good news????
He fainted and you're telling me it's a good news????
*Got angry and held his collar*

Tae : Jimin calm down!! Listen to him....
*Tried to remove jimin's hand*

Jimin : How the fuck can I calm down??
When he's lying in the hospital bed????

Jin : Jimin stop it....
Calm down!! Atleast listen first....
Leave him....

Doctor : Mr park!! Calm down....
*Removed jimin's hand from his collar*
Nothing is wrong with your husband....
He's one week pregnant....
That's why he was feeling nauseous and fainted!!

Jimin : P-pregnant????
My baby is pregnant..........
You're not lying right??
*Felt overwhelmed and happy*

Doctor : Why would I lie??
He's one of those special males....
You can check the reports!!
Your husband is pregnant....

Jimin : Did you all listen????
M-my baby is pregnant..........
I'm g-gonna be a father!!!!

Tae : Congratulations man!!

Kookie : I told you nothing is wrong!!!!
Congratulations jimin hyung!!

Jin : Woah!! I'm gonna be an uncle....
Congratulations jimin!!

Joon : Congratulations jimin!!
You're gonna be the best dad....

Hobi : Wow!! Congratulations jimin....
I'll teach the little baby how to dance!!

Crush : Hoba he/she isn't even born yet....
Btw congratulations jimin!!

Hobi : So what??
It's called future planning....

Jimin : T-thankyou guys!!!!
I can't believe it....
My big baby has a little baby in his tummy....
Do-doctor can I meet him??
*Felt extremely happy*

Doctor : Sure mr park!!
But one at a time.......

Tae : You go first!!

Jimin nodded and went inside.......
He saw yoongi was sleeping peacefully like an angel....

Jimin : B-baby....

Yoongi : *Slowly opened his eyes* J-jimin what happened to me??
Why did I faint suddenly??

Jimin : Love you're pregnant....

Yoongi : Wh-what....
I'm p-pregnant??
*Kept hand in his tummy*

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