9. The Word Love Part 2

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So here's what you missed on Gleeboot:

It's love week and Sam is making sure Gwen knows exactly how he feels about her by being totally extra about his gifts to her. The glee club is participating in a date auction to raise funds and everyone's totally nervous about who will end up on dates with who, except for Mona who doesn't care about glee club since she quit, and Kat, who is pretending not to care to stay friends with her. Floris doesn't want to participate because he just cares about spending time with Teddy and isn't really one of the guys anyway. Ricky just cares about soccer and doesn't notice that Elizabeth totally wants to date him now that she's over Lucas and he's over Lola. Perla and Dominic are bonding, while Lola's not sure she can bid at all but can't keep fighting her feelings for Alex. Mia's sure she's pregnant and it's led to her bonding with Perla and Elizabeth, but now Dominic has overheard her secret too and wants to push Lucas into being a better person to prepare for fatherhood. But Lucas only cares about winning Perla back! 

And that's what you missed on... Gleeboot!


As soon as he got off the school bus, Floris hurried inside McKinley and found the upperclassmen hall. There, Dominic was at his locker, reading over notes on a binder on his own. Without any type of greeting, Floris appeared before Dominic and said, "I can't do the auction. I won't do the auction."

Dominic looked up from his binder, slowly and with a little bit of confusion, but didn't say a word.

Floris cleared his throat, trying to calm his beating heart. "Sorry," he said. "I know you think I'm not a team player or whatever. The truth is I just hate these gendered assignments because... I don't consider myself a boy." He watched Dominic's brow raise, his eyes warm and thoughtful but the rest of his face hardened. Not sure, how he was taking this, Floris just continued, "I don't think it's right. For you or anyone to force me to do things like these auctions that are clearly male-oriented."

Dominic took a long pause, looking up like he was trying to see into his own mind. After a moment, he looked back down at Floris and responded, "Ok. Sorry. I should've thought that through better. You're off the hook."

"Wait, really?" asked Floris.

"Of course," Dominic closed his binder. "I should've never made you feel pressured to do this in the first place. Of course you shouldn't do anything you don't want to. It's ok."

"So..." Floris said slowly. "Just like that? I'm out?"

Dominic nodded and reached into his locker for his large picnic basket, carefully stuffed in there. "Actually, I should go turn in my basket with the others," he said. "But I'll see you at glee club!" He smiled at Floris, then walked off with a bit of a strut to his step.

Floris watched him go, surprised and wondering what bug had gotten him in such a positive mood. But regardless of what it was, he was going to take it. Finally, freedom!


Dominic walked inside the student council room, which was filled with baskets on tables and chairs. He found an empty spot on the table and began to set his down when he noticed one of the other guys there was Lucas.

Lucas quickly spotted him and walked over with his basket. "You had a surprisingly strong turnout," said Lucas.

Dominic shrugged, "A lot of guys have been striking out in their love lives so... This is a way to beg for dates without looking desperate."

Lucas scoffed. "Is that a dig at me or something?"

"Not at all," said Dominic. "But what's that thing they say about the shoe? If it fits..?"

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