2. The Lame One

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So here's what you missed on Gleeboot:

Sam's in charge of the New Directions and he wants them to focus on competitions but they've got too much drama going on. Lucas and Dominic got suspended for pranking the athletes and now they're taking it out on Ricky, Alex, and Teddy. Lola's in gymnastics and that's all she cares about kind of how Mia only seems to care about the Cheerios, but Perla took that away from her. Perla's really mean to Mia ever since she slept with Lucas, like more mean than she was to Kat. And that's mean. She only seems to really like Mona, but Mona can't get over crashing her car into Kat and hurting Ricky and now she's been smoking weed with Millie the Cheerio to get over it. 

And that's what you missed on - GLEEBOOT!


When Mona arrived at school the next Monday, she felt like she had a new type of hangover. It was a result, however, of something other than alcohol.

Her home was barely functional. Dominic's suspension had expectedly been poorly received by her parents. They blamed each other then Dominic then each other again. It was chaos.

But while Dominic had to stay at home and deal with the fallout, Mona got to go to school. She never thought she'd be happy about that but it was an escape.

She stopped by her locker before homeroom and was surprised when Kat appeared seemingly out of nowhere, a smile on her face. "Hi Mona," she said. "Um, I was just wondering how Dominic was doing."

Mona slammed her locker shut and said, "Kat... My brother will never ever love you back. Ever."

Kat was stunned. Her cheeks turned red but she held back tears as she responded, "I don't need him to, Mona. I... I was just asking out of concern for him. As a friend."

"Who cares?" Mona rolled her eyes. She let out a loud groan and said, "I know I gave you the impression that we would be friends now and I'm sorry about that. I don't really need friendship. I need sleep and maybe some chips. And for this week to be over already."

"It just started," said Kat.

"You're still here?" Mona stared at her. "Ugh... You know something, Kat? I think that when I crashed my brother's car into yours... It was the universe giving us all one big sign. You and my brother. You and me. I mean it would all be some big trainwreck, right?"

She walked away and Kat stayed in place, confused about what she did wrong.


At lunchtime, Floris spotted Teddy and began to approach. His soccer mates, however, were just a few feet away so Floris stopped. He watched as Teddy attempted to join their conversation, only for them to ignore him and walk away from him. Teddy remained in the middle of two tables, watching them sit down without making any room for him.

When Teddy turned and saw Floris there, he smiled.

"Hey," Floris smiled back. "How's everything going with the team?"

"It's not worse," said Teddy. "Though I guess it's not much better either."

"They're still mad about the pranks?" asked Floris.

"Yeah," Teddy shrugged. "They all got detention and had to miss practice so it was cancelled and coach is making us run laps today as punishment and... Anyway it's not just the pranks. There's been a little bit of biphobia too. Or just generally homophobia, I guess." Floris made a face so he quickly added, "Nothing that should be concerning. Just typical teenage boy bullcrap."

"Huh..." Floris muttered.

"And also the fact that I'm still in glee club," said Teddy. "And that I got Ricky into the team."

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