10. Disney Part 1

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"You look like a hot mess," said Santana when Sam walked into the teacher's lounge on Monday morning. "Did you get run over by a truck?" She gasped. "Are you homeless again?"

Sam made a face at her and made way for the coffee. She stepped aside, grabbing her fresh cup and letting him pour his own. 

"I didn't get much sleep," he explained. "I was up tossing and turning all night."

"Is it because you're considering a lip reduction surgery?" she asked. "I vote yes. Go for it."

"No," he sighed. "It's because I proposed to Gwen yesterday."

Santana coughed, choking on her coffee. "Proposed what? Marriage?!" Sam nodded. "Are you insane?"

"It felt like the right time," Sam shrugged. "But she didn't even give me an answer. She said it was too sudden and fast and that she needed time to think about it."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Santana frowned, refraining from adding her two cents.

"There's no need to be sorry," said Sam. "It wasn't a no."

"Sam, face it," Santana sighed. "An immediate 'yes' is a yes. A 'maybe' could go either way. But a 'let me think about it' is just delaying until she thinks of a nice way to say no."

"Thanks for the confidence boost, Santana," he sighed.

"I'm just trying to be realistic," Santana put a hand up defensively.

"I have other things to focus on anyway," he said, "until she gives me an answer. Regionals is three weeks away and we're short on the funds we need for transportation so... I need to figure out what to do."

Mrs. Knapp, a ninth grade teacher who had just walked in, said, "Oh you kids should do a performance! Those boys were so cute at that fundraiser the other day."

"I can't imagine us having another fundraiser," Sam shook his head. "The school barely supports us as it is."

"They sold well to the girls," Santana shrugged.

"That's because they were selling romance," said Sam. "I can't sell romance two weeks in a row."

"Put on a play!" Mrs. Knapp chimed in. "I just saw The Lion King at the Lima Theater over the weekend. It was so cute. The house was packed!"

"What are you still doing here?" Santana asked her.

The older woman shrugged as she walked away from them. Santana made a face but Sam said, "Wait, she made a good point."

"Do not have your kids do The Lion King," Santana disagreed. "That alone would eat up your whole Regionals budget."

"No, not a play," Sam shook his head. "But we could do a show. A revue. No costumes, no lines. Just songs. And what songs have stood the test of time with all audiences? Disney!"

Santana rolled her eyes but Sam smiled, grabbing his coffee and marching out with a purpose. He would not be talked out of this.


Kat walked into school, giggling with Mona. It was rare for them to ride to school together, as Mona was always late, but this time Dominic had left without her early in the morning, forcing her to ride the bus, and thus sit alongside Kat. 

Elizabeth was on a different route and had already arrived when they passed by her locker.

"Kat!" Elizabeth chimed, joining them. "I tried calling you all night. I have to tell you about yesterday."

"Sure," said Kat. "But actually, Mona and I are about to grab breakfast."

"It's fine," Mona told her. "Deal with this stuff and I'll see you in class."

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