😇 Touched By An Angel 😇

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"But the one who stands firm to the end will be saved." - Matt 24:13

God is good, all the time. And if you're thinking, "Well, I'm not the religious type." Thank you for reading on any way and keeping an open mind. And if you're still like, "Nah, this just ain't my cup of çayı." We still love you! So feel free to skip on merrily to chapter 5 with all my hugs and kisses. And to all my prayer warrior sisters - all the time, GOD IS GOOD!

I'll try to be succinct, although I feel like I should warn you that I tend to be long-winded. Finishing chapter 5 has taken up the better part of my process and goodness alone knows how long the wait has been. Topping that off, it is a lengthy chapter and that being said I wouldn't want to take up your time more than I already have. So let me dive in...

Honestly I didn't envision myself making this post and you may have even noticed that I don't post "check-ins." But I will definitely respond to you, if you leave a comment. 😁 However, I felt that this needed it's own post purely because of what transpired leading up to chapter 5 being available. So I don't want to get into life's nitty-gritties and it's intricacies, though suffice to say it was a weird period in my personal life.

Usually whether I am reading or writing, I always have music playing to get me in a particular vibe. And I had my playlist ready and everything! Just before I could continue penning chapter 5 - part 3 (yes, I write in segments). I thought I should pray because of where I was mentally, as well as  to help my thought process to flow or rather overflow and to also impart feelings of warmth and goodness to the reader.

And as soon as I said, "Amen," part 2 to chapter 5 had vanished. I couldn't believe my eyes, only a few hours ago it was there and now it was just a blank page. Think Taylor Swift Blank Space! It had not been deleted, it was still on my device but it could not be accessed or viewed. 🤯 I tried e-veryyyTHING and even called everyone I knew to be tech savvy to help me. Still nothing! And the kicker was everything else was there except for this particular part that was now invisible to me. I felt like I couldn't carry on with part 3 without part 2 as reference and it totally annihilated my momentum and focus. It went beyond frustration, I was deeply hurt and feeling defeated. To the extent that even in my private conversations with the Lord, I truthfully let it be known that if a radical intervention did not happen then I couldn't picture myself starting the chapter over again or finishing this story.

But there are seasons in life and situations where you need to be still and know that He has it covered. There is nothing too small or too big for Him and this was my moment to learn that very lesson. So I guess this is the crux of my message or raving (however way you choose to view it I'm just grateful you have made it this far). 😉 Especially, if you have a word that has been promised to you. Hold on to it and let that be your conviction during times of doubt and distress. Keep the faith and know that all things, absolutely all things will be used in your favour.

Today we FINALLY have a complete chapter 5 and that is my testimony. So happy reading and stay blessed always!


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