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Thuds were heard followed by groans in a grand movie theater.

A women with dirty blonde hair was shown groaning as she holds her head stumbling to her feet. She wore black jeans with ankle boots and blue tank top with a black leather jacket with her hair in a loose braid "what the bloody hell"she asked as her family crest necklace which was the letter m with a snake rest on her chest.

A man beside her groans"son of a bitch"he says as he wore jeans and a grey t shirt with tennis shoes the women helps him up as she checks him over with worry.

"What the hell we were just and now where the hell are we???!!!"a dark skinned man says with with a hat and jacket with jeans and tennis shoes on asked looking around with wide eyes.

A Chinese woman with black hair was shown checking over her eight year old daughter as her father and his team look around with wide eyes.

The Scooby gang groan stumbling to there feet.

"That's what we would like to know mate"a familiar voice says making the dirty blonde haired women snap her head in his direction with wide eyes.

A women then appears with a gentle smile "hello I have brought you here to watch as a group of heros who saved many lives and to reunite a family please introduce yourself"she says with a gentle smile.

The mana one people step forward.

"I'm Jaxx" a women with short jelled back hair with jeans and boots with a v neck black T-shirt with a jacket says stepping forward.

A Chinese man stand up with black grayish hair and a little beard and mustache "my name is Zhang"he says.

The Chinese woman then stands forward she wore a red shirt with black jeans and ankle boots while holding a 8 year old girls hand she had a pink shirt and blue pants with designs and glow bottom shoes with her hair ina loose pin up with a side bang as she wore fairy wings."my name is suyin and this is my daughter meiying."she introduced.

A man with short top brown hair with a hoody wearing a back jacket and jeans with tennis shoes "jack Morris"he says as many people glare at him with hate.

The dark skinned man walks forward "dj"he says.

"Heller"an older grey hair man wearing scrubs says as two people glare at him.

"Lori"an blond woman says she as she wore a red shirt with a opend sweater with jeans and boots.

"Mac"a light tan man with short top black hair says as he wore a grey shirt with back jacket and jeans with tennis shoes.

The Scooby gang then stepped forward.

A boy with short brown hair with a black and grey t shirt with a jacket and jeans with tennis shoes steps forward "Jeremy Gilbert".

A girl with long brown straight hair with a white long sleeve shirt with black jeans and boots steps forward "Elena Gilbert".

A women with curly light red hair with a blue v neck shirt and black blazer with jeans and ankle boots steps forward "Jenna Somers".

A blond curvy hair girl stand forward with a pink Dress and short black jacket with boots steps forward "Caroline forbs"

A tan boy with short black top hair with a black t shirt with jeans and tennis shoes steps forward "Tyler Lockwood"

A dark skinned girl with long curly dark hair with a floral dress and black jacket with boots steps forward "Bonnie Bennett".

A tall male with dirt short blonde hair style with a light grey t shirt with dark jeans and shoes "Stefan Salvatore".

A man with black hair wearing a grey T-shirt with a leather jacket and jeans with boots "Damon Salvatore."

The mikaelsons then steps forward.

The blonde long hair girl steps forward with a white v neck and short black leather jacket with jeans and knee high boots steps forward"Rebekah mikealson"

A short brown hair man stepped forward with a dark suit with a tye steps forward "Elijah mikaelson."

A dirty blonde hair man wearing dark jeans with boots and grey t shirt with jack steps forward "Klaus mikealson."

A male with short brown hair wearing a dark jack with a black t shirt with boots "kol mikaelson."

A tall male with dark brown hair wearing a black t shirt and jean jacket with jeans and a boots steps forward "Finn mikaelson.

Everyone then turns to the last to as they married couple shares looks before the male steps forward"Jonas Taylor mikealson." Before the women steps forward as she holds hands with her husband"and Kari Taylor mikealson "she says as the Scooby gang and mikaelson looks at them in shock.

Klaus steps forward"sister"he asked as Kari smiles warmly at one of her younger brothers"yes it is I Klaus"she says before laughing when she was crushed in a hug by her siblings.

Damon groans"there's more of you bastards"he says as the room goes silent as the mikaelsons share smirks at what is about to happen.

Kari slowly turns towards the baby vampire "how dare call my siblings bastard you little insect"she says coldy as he smirks.

"Well princess that's what they are "he says as her siblings share disbelief looks dose he have a death wish.

Kari glares as her eyes turn black before letting out a banshee scream that rattles the room as the supernatural cover there ears in pain as Damon was thrown back into the wall with a groan before she holds her hand out holding him there as she slowly walks up to him as the humans who didn't know about her powers watched shocked "I am Kari mikaelson oldest sibling and known as the ultimate creature and you will laren your place you are nothing but dirt underneath my boot you are just a baby vampire who is useless!!!!"she roars with fury as the wind picks up as she slowly turns her hand as he groans as blood seeps out his mouth as she speeds forward slamming her hand in his rib cage as Damon screams in agony feeling his heart on fire as her hand burst into flames with in his chest as blood oozes out his eyes, mouth and nose as he looks at her with fear.

"If you ever disrespect my family or even think about hurting them I'll kill you and everyone you care about"she hisses as her fangs descend before letting his heart go as she lets him drop down before turning walking away as his friends run over to check up on him.

"Now that that's our the way let us began"the women who brought them here says as they all soon take seats as the the movie starts as the lights dim.

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