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It was the next morning as the sun rose as Kari wore black leather pants with boots and a red shirt with her leather jack as her hair was in a high ponytail as Jonas wore a blue t shirt with jeans and boots.

"You have great taste in fashion sister"Rebekah says.

Her families company choppers evacuated everyone but Lori, suyin,jaxx,dj ,meiying.

"Alright guys we need to come up with a plan to lure the meg cause right now it's out in the open Jax we need you to hack into Morris tracking system and dj before you say anything yes we are gonna hunt this meg down"Kari says before saying the last part to dj."now pack everything and weapons on to the boat its now meg huntin season"she says before they all load everything they would need on to the boat.

"You got that from looney tunes didn't you"Jonas says with an amused look as Kari shrugs with a smirk.

"I understand your fear mate but unless y'all stop that meg once and for all a lot of people will die."Klaus says to dj who sighs nodding his head understanding.

The evac ship was shown driving through the ocean as two gliders were shown strapped down as they were being modified.

Everyone was shown by Jax who was stationed in front of a computer "alright Jax were is this thing headed"Jonas asked.

"Yeah here's were we saw Morris tag the shark but here is where it's going"Jax says showing a graph of were the meg is heading.

"Sanya bay what's there"Jonas asked.

"Oh nothing it only has some of the most densely populated beaches in the world"dj says.

"Not the time to be a smart ass dj"jaxx says with a raised eyebrow.

"Meaning an all you can eat buffet for the meg"Kari says as they share looks.

Just then Mac walks in"any luck with the authorities"she asked him.

Mac shakes his head "no prehistoric shark sounds like a goddamn prank call"he says.

"I mean it's understandable but I bet if that meg showed it's self to them then they would help "kol says.

"We're gonna have to do this on our own how long until the shark gets to those people "Jonas asked.

"I can get there and distract the shark long enough as I lead it away from those people "Kari says walking out with Jonas following her.

She stands on the edge of the boat"be careful and give that meg hell"he says as she smirks before swan diving into the ocean as bubbles swirl around her as she was in her mermaid form as she swims with spread in the direction of Sanya bay were many people were.

"I love you sister but please don't give me a heart attack with what happens in the next few scenes"Finn says.

Millions of people were in the water while a wedding was happening on a yacht.

The meg was shown swimming slowly under a boat as it swims through seaweed.

Kari swims to a stop as she sees the meg swimming under millions of people before she hums gaining its attention away from the people as it swims towards her.

"Come on catch me if you can bitch "she says with a smirk swimming off as the meg chased after her.

"We're all gonna have grey hairs after this and we're vampires for peak sake"Elijah says pitching the bridge of his nose.

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