told you there was more then one!

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They finally had the cage rigged with the boat stopped Zhang opens as fridge full of lethal injections as he picks up a bottle"I prepared the spearheads to inject Ethiopian a killer whale is knocked out with 10 ccs dead with 20 what do you think"he says to Heller who gets a needle ready.

"Yeah for that size of Meg but not if there was one bigger then that"Kari says as she, Jonas and the others from mana one share looks.

"Sister what do you mean if one bigger then that"Rebekah says nervous.

"You have to watch to find out"Kari says as she hugs Rebekah to her as Rebekah cuddles into her older sisters hug.

"I think we use the whole damn bottle"he says honestly before a clear see through cage is shown as it was being lowered attached to the Crain.

"That's a cage?"Tyler asked with a confused look as tye others laugh at Jax annoyed face as she huffs.

"Remind me again why this is a good idea"Jonas asked looking at the cage that suyin was going in as he and Kari share looks this could either go bad or really bad as syuin was shown wearing a yellow and black wet suit.

"What it's just a shark cage."Jax says.

"Your kidding right love"Kari asked with a 'are you kidding me look her face.

"A plastic shark cage "Jonas points out.

"I'm going to ignore that you just said that. This beautiful thing is polycarbonate "Jax says as she taps the cage."specifically designed not to crack, not to break but to deform and in this case at this thickness it would take 20,000 pounds per square inch. And if you're talking about breaking that's eight to nine hundred thousand "Jax explained.

Jonas and Kari were silent for a moment"we don't like it"they say before walking off. Soon the cage was shown being lowered into the water.

Kari walks away making sure no one was around as she closed her eyes as she silently hums as she holds a outstretched had as a slight glow slithers down her as it traveled to the cage as a protection spell was placed on it as she opens her eyes lowering her hand before joining the others back.

Syuin smiles turning to Kari"I knew you secretly cared about me"she says as Kari playfully rolls her eyes.

Suyin  then jumped into the cage with a splash the top was closed and latched before the cage was slowly lowered below the surface as the lion the cage come on.

Syuin looks around at what the sun tuches while the dark abyss is under her soon cut up meat floats down around her."everything okay up there"she asked on the radio.

"Yeah everything is okay "the wall says as he was shown wearing an yellow apron over his clothes with gloves as he puts cut up chum into the water around the cage "just a fresh round of chum so you know tates good"he teased over the radio followed.

The cage stops lowering as syuin looks around breathing heavily as bubbles swirl around her from her mask before gasping as the cage moves before turning around as she many sharks were around her eating the chum.

"What's happening down there you okay"Mac asked.

"Yeah I'm okay just some teeny tiny eight foot sharks "she says as many sharks were around her when suddenly they all swim away "here we go"she says.

A beeping was heard on the monitor "we've got her attention fifty meters!"Jaxx says as it shows the Meg getting closer as Mac walks outside "suyin it's on its way fifty meters."he says as suyin looks around waiting for the Meg as the cage was shown out in the open as she moves around it was getting closer before looking down as it appears out the abyss with it's jaws open as it hits the cage as suyin groans holding on as the cage Rights it's self again before grabbing the speargun as it now was in front of her as she holds the spear gun ready fixing to shoot when it suddenly swims away"damn it"she says as she whirls around in the cage looking for it before whirling forward as the Meg swims full fast turning with its jaw open grabbing the cage side ways as suyin yells smacking into the wall dropping the gun as the shark swings it's head side to side pulling the cage as the line tugs out the water a sthe Crain whirls around to the side as it pulls the line it julted with smoke as the cage tugs harshly as the sharks continues to try to break the cage as the others yells in shock as the boat tugs harshly to the side as Kari and Jonas holds onto each other. grabbing ont to the rail as the others stumbled as it pulls the boat.

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