never lie to a mikaelson

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Every one was in the main control room as Kari leans against the wall with crossed arms as the others set around with Joan's standing beside her as jack stands in front of all of them.

"I've informed the Chinese government about the meg. As well as the authorities in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Australia. The Chinese are sending two destroyers to take it out. So this is now officially and thankfully out of our hands..I'm closing mana one until the meg is killed and an evaluation ship is coming here tomorrow morning"jack says as Kari and Jonas listen to his heart beat as they share looks his heart skips numer of times 'hes lieing 'they thought before Kari and him leave out the room.

"Yeah when you have to vampires expecually if one is a mikaelson it's best not to lie and piss us off"Elijah says as Elena shivers remembering the day he put her in the old tunnels as Rebekah chased her.

They wait for him as he walks around the corner stopping when he was grabbed by Jonas holding him in please as Kari walks in front of him with a cold glare "nice speech You've fooled all of them but us so I'm gonna make this very clear"she says as steps closer.

"You better pray that the meg gets you first before I do cause I've got ways of making you suffer like history says mikaelsons are dark and twisted "she says coldly as she grabs him by the neck as he chokes"I understand "he chokes out before he was thrown to the side stumbling as he runs away in fear.

Jack shakes at the memory.

"So that's what you did"jaxx says as she and Kari share a smirk.

"She's right we are known for our darkness and twisted ness"kol cackles.

He was then shown in a helicopter as it flys off into the night. He was shown putting on a head sit as he was back to his usual self "what do you got for me"he says to the man beside in front of him.

"these are semtex high velocity demolition charges"the men says as he pulls out home made chare bomb as they were taped together "I had the men rig delay fuses to give them time to sink essentially they're depth charges"the men explained as jack holds some with a smile"that's right "he says.

"I'm sure this is a advisable course of action "his lawyer says.

"Every person that gets maimed or killed by that thing is a potential lawsuit. A potential casualty. Relax bro it's gonna be fun"he says to his lawyer.

Kari and Jonas stands in front of everyone"okay so we can't trust jack so my company is sending choppers in to evaluate everyone that wants to leave while me and Jonas stay and take care of this thing "she explained to them all.

"I'm staying "jaxx says.

"Me two"DJ says.

"Me as well"Mac says.

"So am I" suyin says as they all smile.

"Okay let's get start"Kari says as they all set down as they think of plans that will be best to take out the meg.

Jack was shown in black clothing as he and a few men were on a boat as a helicopter flys over them as they track down the meg as jack looks at the tablet in his hands as they were getting closer.

"Let me make my self absolutely clear. We're not getting within a mile of that monster until the helicopter kills it"jack says as they men nod there heads.

"Ah seems you remember from last time"Klaus hummus.

The helicopter light shines against the ocean surface "we have a visual on the target."the pilot says.

"Stop the boat"jack says as the boat comes to a stop.

"Deploying charges"the pilot says as they tossed the charges down below as jack uses a single binocular to watch.

They go off before a large shadow with bloody wounds floats to the surface "we got him"the pilot says.

"That doesn't look like the meg"Jeremy says studying the outline of the carcass.

"Hit it again"jack says wanting to make sure it was dead. The next set of charges were thrown as they exploded as the pilot was soaked with water and blood and guts from the creature "target is dead I repeat target is dead"the pilot says.

"Are you absolutely sure because I'm not getting eaten by some goddamn prehistoric fish"jack asked.

"Affirmative sir there's uh...well there's pieces of it all over the place"the pilot says.

"Shark chucks that's a good sign"jack says before the engine starts as they head over to the large body as the insides were shown smoking as they get closer.

"Oh! Jump down there, get me a couple of teeth big ones for my desk. Keep one for your self"he says as some of the man jump on to the carcass before the man beside him noticed something as he looks down "oh you seeing this"he says as sharks were shown eating bits of the carcass.

"Wait didn't you say that whales were know to be one of the things sharks eat love"Rebekah asked suyin who nods her head.

"Crazy"before a down forms on jacks face as the sharks continue to eat the carcass "that's sick"he says before they just leave.

"That's weird"the man beside him says as jack leans forward to look down before jumping as the man who walked over the giant carcass as huffs "oh man! Don't do that to me"he says as they all sigh.

"That thing doesn't have a teeth. I think we killed a whale"the man says as jack then realized it tricked them as a beeping was heard.

"The meg is smart I'll give it that and looks like you killed a gaint whale instead"Kari says smirking darkly at jack who winced.

"It's right below us. Get us out of here!"he orders as the boat engine revs as it was sharply turned as jack yells falling back into the water with a splash before breaking through the surface.

"Wait! Wait, you idiots! Wait! I'm over here! Wait!"he says splashing around.

He then noticed something moving in the corner of his eyes as he turns his head as a large shark dorsal fin breaks through the surface as it heads straight for him.

"Oh, no!"he yells as he quickly swims to the dead whale splashing around before he grabs on to the dead whale as he gasps before screaming but it was just a regular shark as it bits into the dead whale beside him taking off a huge chunk making him sigh in relief before it disappears.

"I wouldn't be to relax mate"Klaus says as he and his siblings share knowing looks since the meg has proved to be smart.

He coughed so to the smell as smoke still came off it as he pulls him self up a little bit as he grabs onto one of the opened wounds as he laughs resting before suddenly the meg jumps out with a splash as he bites onto the dead whale and jack who's scream echos into the night.

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