the theory

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In the middle of the ocean as underwater station is shown known as mana one as a helicopter is shown as it approaches the station in international Waters as the sun was rising.

The helicopter lands easy on the landing pad of mana one as Zhang an elderly Chinese man with short greyish black hair in a jacket with long sleeve shirt and pants with tennis shoes with light short hair with a little stubble on his face with sunglasses was shown waiting as two men move to the helicopter as one opens the door shown jack Morris who wore a jack with jeans and tennis with a hat he paid for everything with the mana one water station.

Jack grabs a back as he stepped off the helicopter as he shoulder his bag with a smile "are we living the dream here or what"he hollers with a laugh over the helicopter blades walking over tossing his bag to a man as he walks over to Zhang after jumping down the small stairs.

"Welcome to mana one. Mr Morris"Mr Zhang says holding out his hand.

"Get that thing away from me what are you doing come on bring it in. There we go"jack says with a smile before pulling Zhang into a big hug.

Zhang pulls away with a smile "good to see you again Mr Morris this way please"he says.

Jack nods his head "yeah hey you always smell nice what is that sandalwood"he asked before they walk off down another flight of stairs"it's impressive so far I say"jack says.

Just then a Chinese woman with long dark hair wear a jacket with jeans and a red t shirt with boots holding the hand of an 8 year old girl with long black hair with a clip in it she wore a grey sweater with a design on the front with a sleeveless yellow jack with a pink skirt and grey pants with her bottom glow shoes there names where suyin and meiying.

"Do you remember my daughter suyin our chief marine biologist"Zhang says when he sees his daughter walk over with his granddaughter.

"Hi" suyin says with a smile.

Jack takes off his glasses as he clears his throat "you meet candle egg...nice skull "he says in Mandarin suyin smiles awkwardly before turning to her father "did you understand a word of that"she aksed in Mandarin.

"Sorry what was that I didn't catch that"jack asked confused not understanding as suyin and Zhang try to come up with something before meiying saves them"she says she likes your hat"she said with a smile.

"Oh yeah"Zhang says nodding his head with a smile.

"Yeah" suyin says as they both go along with it with relief.

"Let's go"Zhang says.

"Why don't we go yeah"jack says as they walk off.

A key card was swiped across a green screen with a beep before a lock is heard unlocking as what looked like a large elevator opens its door as a yellow metal elevator was shown with no windows only a panel.

"You daughter's a pistol . What have we here." jack says with a chuckle patting Zhang on the back before they all step in as the doors closed walks over to the panel as he pressed the button for the o level as jack looks around unimpressed "this is um... really ugly you know I realize that we're under construction and everything, but I really think that a world class research institute deserves a world-class entrance "he says to them.

"he seems a bit arrogant" Elijah says as he then noticed how his older sister was glaring at the men.

Zhang smiles "yeah I couldn't agree more" he says the doors open showing a grand looking passage with grey curved arches with wide panned thick glass windows with blue glow lights everywhere as jack looks around amazed "whoa" he says as they step out the elevator.

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