final battle part 2

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Kari swims over not caring about getting hurt"Jonas!"she yells with worry and fear as the meg was no where in sight.

Kari grips Jonas hand as he reassures her he's still her as he wraps an arm around her shoulder holding her to his side.

She sees the sand cloud disappear seeing he was okay as she let a breath of relief "you jack ass down scare me like that"she says with relief before the noticed the meg was gone.

"Um guys we might have a problem the megs gone"Kari says as she looks around before hearing a rumbling as she looks up.

Lori was shown as she sees helicopters approaching with reporter's as mack and the others this couldn't go well as they fly around the boat.

Suyin flickers her lights to see if it catch the megs attention so they can see were it is"okay I see it"she says as the meg was shown swimming towards her as she turns her sun heading off as the meg swims after her.

"Bring her to me"Jonas says as he and Kari wai really as he flickers his lights as it's attention was now on joans as suyin moves out the way.

Joans glares"chew on this you ugly bastard"he says as he goes to launch his rocket but something was wrong as a beeping was heard before his sub was being attacked by the meg before it screech's as a tridant was stabbed into its side as it was shoved off by a glareing Kari.

"Yeah you never fuck with someone's mate"Kari says as she glares at the meg on the screen glad they killed the damn thing as Jonas runs her shoulders.

"I'll distract it while you figure out what's wrong"Kari says as she summons a chain before she swims to the meg as she throws the sharp end into the sharks fin as she grips the chain as she holds back the meg as she pulls it into a different direction as it trys to snap at her as she pulls the chain hard as she keeps it from going anywhere.

"Damn that was hot"Jonas whispered as Kari smirks.

Up above the helicopters weren't watching were they was going as two collided as causing a loud explosion as one swings around in flames as it heads straight into the oven before the other one was heading straight for the ship.

"Get off the ship!"many yell in worry for the ones on the ship.

"Go go go!"mac yells as they all run to the eged of the boat dj picking up a screaming meying as he jumps over the rail into the water as jaxx,mack and Lori follow suit as they splash into the water just as the helicopter hits the ship hard creating an explosion.

Keeping her grip on the gain as she looks up seeing a fiery glow comeing from the ship as her eyes widen.

Jax breaks through the surface "where's dj and suyin"she asked with worry staying above the water as Mac and Lori look around as burning debris was all over as the ship burns with smoke and fire.

"Jonas Kari!"suyin says worried for her daughter.

"Suyin go we go this"Kari grits her teeth as the meg pulls hard as suyin nods her head before racing to the boat before she yells pulling hard as she throws the meg into a rock wall with force as it shattered upon impact as she breaths hard with anger and hate for the meg.

"Well done sister"Finn says proudly at how she protects the one she loves as they all watch her prove her skills against the meg.

"Jonas you thinking what I'm thinking"Kari asked as she summons her scythe it was black with red with blood like art on it as she twirls it around as she glares at the meg.

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