back to base

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They were all now safe somewhat on the slow sinking boat as dj throws his hands up"what was that? What the hell was that? "DJ says.

"Come on dj"jack says.

"No! No! This is why we don't leave the station okay that's why you don't do that and you went down there and you pissed it off now it's gonna come back and kill everyone of us! Now what are we supposed to do? I shouldn't be out here in the first place swinging in this ocean. That one eat the other one is another one gonna eat this one? Man it's just killed Heller. It killed the wall. It killed toshi these are my friends man"dj finished his rant.

"Look I know you stressed but right now we need to use are heads okay for right now we are save but this boat won't last for long and we need to get Mr zhang some help" Kari says as she listens to Mr zhangs heart beat it was  going slower and slower by the minute.

"She right I know it was a lot for you to go through all that but right then and there you need to be calm"Bonnie says as dj nods his head she was right.

Metal creaks loudly as the large over turned boat continues to sink"Jonas we need to get out of here if we don't this man is not going to make it"Kari whispered to her husband who nods his head.

"Okay can I just point out that this thing is sinking what are we gonna do"Morris says.

Jonas looks around"where's Mac"he says as they all look around before seeing him swim to one of the life boats as he climbs in it before giving them a thumbs up looks like they were getting out of here.

"That was really brave to do even tho there was a Meg somewhere around"Jeremy says impressed that Mac took the risks swimming out to the life boat as said man shrugs with a smile.

In one life boat shows Joan's, Kari ,Zhang and suyin and the other held Mac, Jaxx and Jack as they all ride forward.

Jonas was controlling the motor as Kari puts a blanket around mr Zhang who was layed onto the floor as syuin holds her fathers hand in tears.

Kari then here's a splash as she looks up seeing a large dorsal fin pop up"Jonas its back"she says with a glare this damn shark couldn't give them a break before she soon here's something in the air as she looks up in the distance as a chopper was heading towards them as flys above them heading straight to the Meg as it makes a sharp turn.

"She right can it ever give them a break"Klaus says with a glare as many hated the Meg.

A men in black armor was shown as another men sits up a tracker with a spear gun as beeping was heard before the gun was handed to him as he studied the gun before shooting it as the tracker flys through the air before hitting the dorsal fin as it beeps before the men switched guns as it fires rounds at the Meg making the larg shark turn as they distracted it.

"Okay you really think a gun is gonna effect that thing more the Kari did with her powers"kol deadpanned as many nod there head in agreement.

"You seriously think that a rifle is gonna hurt that thing"Jaxx says as dj cheers.

Many turn to Jax and kol who fill eyes on them as they turn around"what"they asked confused on the stares as Kari shakes her head amused.

"I didn't have much notice okay I just wanted to get it off our backs"jack says.

Kari glares at jack with daggers knowing what is to come as the man cowards back with fear making others confused on her reaction.

Kari looks down as Mr zhangs hurt was getting weaker and weaker "syuin"she says as suyin looks up at her with tears before Kari nods her head.

Syuin turns back to her father as Mr zhang holds her face gently as he speaks in there native tounge "I owe you an apology"he says in Mandarin.

"What are you talking about"suyin asked in Mandarin.

"When you were a little girl...I was so tough on you...but I knew you were special."he says in Mandarin.

"I just wanted to be like you dad but I...still haven't lived up to it"suyin says in Mandarin with tears.

"You have my brave girl you already are better then I am. My that meiying...will grow up to be just like you"Mr zhang says weakly in Mandarin as he coughs.

"Its ok papa save your breath."suyin says turning to grab something as Kari hears his heart stop as she lowers her head before looking at Jonas as they share a look.

Syuin turns back only to see her father's peaceful resting face as he had passed on as she silently cry's grabbing his face gently as she rest her forehead on his as Joan's and Kari let her mourn.

Many felt bad for the women who lost her father so to the actions of a faint shark Kari rubs suyins shoulders as she cry's into her father's arms holding on to him.

They soon make it back to base as suyin rest her jacket over her father's body as there boat stops as the loading pad as little feet were heard approaching "mummy! Mummy! Welcome back mummy"meiying says as she runs down the ramp as suyin quickly gets out the boat rushing over to her daughter so she doesn't see her grandfather.

Kari and Jonas watch as syuin leads meiying back up the ramp before crunching down in front of her as she explained about her grandfather as tears well inside meiyings eyes as her mother pulls her into a hug.

Kari clutched her first as determination feels up in her eyes this shark was gonna pay for all the lives it took and breaking a family.

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